Andere Vale



7 years, 6 days ago


Frostbite has no fashion sense...

4/27/17. Dropped in like a frozen wasteland in the middle of the night, so he had to try to avoid freezing to death while in his pajamas. Stumbled across a weird, stiff robe in the snow and decided to put it on cause maybe he would die slightly less that way. When he got it on, there was a flash of light and voices and all that jazz so he freaked out and passed out cause it wouldn't go away. Woke up again in some bright city in a bamboo forest with people over him saying stuff about prophesies and chosen ones and garbage. So basically, he's supposed to save the world, but he can't find clothes other than what he's got on for the life of him. It's probably more of his quest than the actual world. 

Human from the Motherworld, possibly a Class M. He's relatively calm and tries to keep his cool, but if you even pay the slightest bit of attention, you can see that he's burning inside. Has no idea what he's doing and isn't fond of people watching him mess up. His arms are regular inside the robe, the "hands" are just the sleeves (which complicate his life...) Panics easily, but does have a pretty good poker face when he's actually trying. Has a heart-shaped birthmark on his cheek. Color for pants is the middle lowest square by the toe beans. Can't get the darn robe off for the life of him. It's super old and wrinkly and he complains about it a lot

- Where I come from there are a lot more cats.
~ Pet cats...? 

- Oh no, they own the place.