Chitose Kajiura (Synopsis)



3 years, 1 month ago


Kajiura Chitose/Synopsis


Arc 1Arc 2Arc 3Arc 4Arc 5Arc 6
Arc 7Arc 8Arc 9Arc 10Arc 11Arc 12


Chitose was born into a jujutsu clan that had little to no power to their name. Simply looking to expand their reach by the new generations, they were quite happy to discover that Chitose was better than most in terms of abilities and looked to sculpt her into someone that could lead their family. To her parents, she was a shot at notoriety. A shot at power within the clan. Chitose however had little to no interest in doing so, the bearing of responsibility at such a young age was unattractive to her and this was made clear to her parents who dismissed her complaints as there was no time to waste in perfecting her talents.

‘This is your duty Chitose. This is your fate.’

For Chitose it wasn’t something she could understand. Duty….honor? What weight did those words have to a mere child? From there she was subjected to a rather strict training regiment that left her isolated from other kids her age and confined to her room. Dealing with an intense sense of dislike for her parents and jujutsu sorcery as a whole, Chitose found solace in her aunt who seemed to disprove of the clan’s method. Often sneaking over to visit her with gifts and things she couldn’t acquire on her own, the girl would spend her time complaining about her parents and listening to her aunt’s tales. It was this that made her days more bearable and in turn softened her unruly behavior as seeing her aunt at the end of the day was more than enough for her.

Chitose would soon fall into the routine her parents wanted and it would last for a good amount of time. Putting up with everything asked of her no matter how grueling, how painful it was to a child, and shouldering the weight of responsibility, to Chitose it was worth it to simply her aunt smile at her and tell her she did well. During the end of one of her many lessons, Chitose would come across her aunt and parents speaking together. Sneaking over to eavesdrop as she was a curious child, she picked up pieces of their conversation.

Listening in as her parents thanked her aunt for going along with their plan on getting her to be more obedient with her aunt admitting that it was no trouble at all as a child was still a child and could easily be swayed by nice words, Chitose first felt a deep sense of betrayal before it bleed into anger.

Then a deep sense of resignation.

From there the girl was completely rebellious in terms of listening. Refusing lessons and locking herself in her room, Chitose avoided both her parents and her aunt, not really caring about the gossip attached to her name. It was a curious thing as to why Chitose simply didn’t just wipe them away with her power, she was strong after all. And it was simply because she was a child, naive and looking to forgive. And her aunt was her only solace, someone she thought was on her side. All Chitose wanted was someone on her side.

Eventually coming to terms with the fact that everyone simply viewed her as a means to an end, Chitose slowly began to devise an escape plan. For the child, she was tired. Simply tired and she wanted to run away. Becoming unusually cooperative, her family was suspicious but nevertheless didn’t complain as Chitose was complacent in doing what was asked of her. The female was simply being nice in playing her role for just a bit longer before she disappeared.

On the eve of her tenth birthday, Chitose would eventually run away. With nowhere to go and desperately trying to stay hidden lest her family find her, Chitose would spend a good portion of her time working odd jobs and saving up money, staying in places willingly to take her in. She couldn’t really complain as the feeling of having complete control over her own choices was rather liberating. In her mind she defied the fate imposed on her and it was a beautiful feeling.

Chitose would eventually come across and befriend a fellow independent jujutsu sorcerer that she happened to meet because of a job. Initially wary as she was an authoritative position despite having no ties, Chitose's desire for a parental figure would slowly win out as the older woman treated her well, from tipping her more than needed to offering her a place of residence. She was kind and affectionate and gave Chitose the warmth she was desperate for.

So Chitose could only blame herself when the woman betrayed her. Coming home to find her parents and a child she didn’t know waiting comfortably, the female was quick in figuring out that the woman was sent to find her by the clan but her eyes still desperately looked in hopes she would deny it. And of course she didn’t. Prepared to run, Chitose was stopped by the simple presence of the unknown child.

Learning of a sister she didn’t know she had, having been born during the three years she was gone, Chitose was faced with a simple question that seemed to have a profound effect on her. ‘Would you like to continue on with your duty? Or would you like to pass it onto the child?’ It was an unfair question for the female as they both knew she would never rob a child of their future. In her mind, no one deserved the childhood she had received. Simply gritting her teeth and nodding along, Chitose's only choice was to be compliant. Now back with her clan, Chitose was pushed to work much harder to make up for wasted time as her future was pretty much planned.

It was there that Chitose learned two very important things; fate was an inescapable thing and the burden of ‘responsibility.’


Arc 1

Quibusdam dolor iis mandaremus familiaritatem, magna praetermissum incurreret eram occaecat. Dolor voluptate arbitrantur in ut fore arbitrantur. Hic quorum distinguantur. Ne est duis consequat. Appellat ne litteris. Ita quem arbitror voluptate, laboris concursionibus ad fabulas, laboris veniam anim mandaremus quem, consequat aut litteris. Lorem cupidatat ad transferrem iis aliquip consectetur non admodum iis dolor ut eiusmod qui velit ita aliquip quorum an senserit praetermissum non veniam iudicem excepteur a ullamco ipsum nostrud eu pariatur summis irure ab sunt, quo aut ipsum laboris.

Arc 2

Ingeniis sint quamquam. E ne lorem probant hic est illum singulis. Lorem laboris pariatur aut ab multos mentitum qui id ex efflorescere, ne est nisi deserunt est nam minim ullamco, se senserit eruditionem, ullamco qui elit pariatur, sunt probant a legam elit. Eu nisi cupidatat pariatur, senserit ipsum ea singulis domesticarum. Tamen ne laboris. Duis litteris voluptatibus ita commodo do incurreret, nescius cohaerescant eu aliquip, mandaremus ab irure qui de e malis expetendis, offendit noster fabulas laboris ne quo enim et quis ita a culpa nulla quo arbitror. Minim iudicem aliquip.

Arc 3

Quibusdam dolor iis mandaremus familiaritatem, magna praetermissum incurreret eram occaecat. Dolor voluptate arbitrantur in ut fore arbitrantur. Hic quorum distinguantur. Ne est duis consequat. Appellat ne litteris. Ita quem arbitror voluptate, laboris concursionibus ad fabulas, laboris veniam anim mandaremus quem, consequat aut litteris. Lorem cupidatat ad transferrem iis aliquip consectetur non admodum iis dolor ut eiusmod qui velit ita aliquip quorum an senserit praetermissum non veniam iudicem excepteur a ullamco ipsum nostrud eu pariatur summis irure ab sunt, quo aut ipsum laboris.

Arc 4

Ingeniis sint quamquam. E ne lorem probant hic est illum singulis. Lorem laboris pariatur aut ab multos mentitum qui id ex efflorescere, ne est nisi deserunt est nam minim ullamco, se senserit eruditionem, ullamco qui elit pariatur, sunt probant a legam elit. Eu nisi cupidatat pariatur, senserit ipsum ea singulis domesticarum. Tamen ne laboris. Duis litteris voluptatibus ita commodo do incurreret, nescius cohaerescant eu aliquip, mandaremus ab irure qui de e malis expetendis, offendit noster fabulas laboris ne quo enim et quis ita a culpa nulla quo arbitror. Minim iudicem aliquip.

Arc 5

Quibusdam dolor iis mandaremus familiaritatem, magna praetermissum incurreret eram occaecat. Dolor voluptate arbitrantur in ut fore arbitrantur. Hic quorum distinguantur. Ne est duis consequat. Appellat ne litteris. Ita quem arbitror voluptate, laboris concursionibus ad fabulas, laboris veniam anim mandaremus quem, consequat aut litteris. Lorem cupidatat ad transferrem iis aliquip consectetur non admodum iis dolor ut eiusmod qui velit ita aliquip quorum an senserit praetermissum non veniam iudicem excepteur a ullamco ipsum nostrud eu pariatur summis irure ab sunt, quo aut ipsum laboris.

Arc 6

Ingeniis sint quamquam. E ne lorem probant hic est illum singulis. Lorem laboris pariatur aut ab multos mentitum qui id ex efflorescere, ne est nisi deserunt est nam minim ullamco, se senserit eruditionem, ullamco qui elit pariatur, sunt probant a legam elit. Eu nisi cupidatat pariatur, senserit ipsum ea singulis domesticarum. Tamen ne laboris. Duis litteris voluptatibus ita commodo do incurreret, nescius cohaerescant eu aliquip, mandaremus ab irure qui de e malis expetendis, offendit noster fabulas laboris ne quo enim et quis ita a culpa nulla quo arbitror. Minim iudicem aliquip.

Arc 7

Quibusdam dolor iis mandaremus familiaritatem, magna praetermissum incurreret eram occaecat. Dolor voluptate arbitrantur in ut fore arbitrantur. Hic quorum distinguantur. Ne est duis consequat. Appellat ne litteris. Ita quem arbitror voluptate, laboris concursionibus ad fabulas, laboris veniam anim mandaremus quem, consequat aut litteris. Lorem cupidatat ad transferrem iis aliquip consectetur non admodum iis dolor ut eiusmod qui velit ita aliquip quorum an senserit praetermissum non veniam iudicem excepteur a ullamco ipsum nostrud eu pariatur summis irure ab sunt, quo aut ipsum laboris.

Arc 8

Ingeniis sint quamquam. E ne lorem probant hic est illum singulis. Lorem laboris pariatur aut ab multos mentitum qui id ex efflorescere, ne est nisi deserunt est nam minim ullamco, se senserit eruditionem, ullamco qui elit pariatur, sunt probant a legam elit. Eu nisi cupidatat pariatur, senserit ipsum ea singulis domesticarum. Tamen ne laboris. Duis litteris voluptatibus ita commodo do incurreret, nescius cohaerescant eu aliquip, mandaremus ab irure qui de e malis expetendis, offendit noster fabulas laboris ne quo enim et quis ita a culpa nulla quo arbitror. Minim iudicem aliquip.

Arc 9

Quibusdam dolor iis mandaremus familiaritatem, magna praetermissum incurreret eram occaecat. Dolor voluptate arbitrantur in ut fore arbitrantur. Hic quorum distinguantur. Ne est duis consequat. Appellat ne litteris. Ita quem arbitror voluptate, laboris concursionibus ad fabulas, laboris veniam anim mandaremus quem, consequat aut litteris. Lorem cupidatat ad transferrem iis aliquip consectetur non admodum iis dolor ut eiusmod qui velit ita aliquip quorum an senserit praetermissum non veniam iudicem excepteur a ullamco ipsum nostrud eu pariatur summis irure ab sunt, quo aut ipsum laboris.

Arc 10

Ingeniis sint quamquam. E ne lorem probant hic est illum singulis. Lorem laboris pariatur aut ab multos mentitum qui id ex efflorescere, ne est nisi deserunt est nam minim ullamco, se senserit eruditionem, ullamco qui elit pariatur, sunt probant a legam elit. Eu nisi cupidatat pariatur, senserit ipsum ea singulis domesticarum. Tamen ne laboris. Duis litteris voluptatibus ita commodo do incurreret, nescius cohaerescant eu aliquip, mandaremus ab irure qui de e malis expetendis, offendit noster fabulas laboris ne quo enim et quis ita a culpa nulla quo arbitror. Minim iudicem aliquip.

Arc 11

Quibusdam dolor iis mandaremus familiaritatem, magna praetermissum incurreret eram occaecat. Dolor voluptate arbitrantur in ut fore arbitrantur. Hic quorum distinguantur. Ne est duis consequat. Appellat ne litteris. Ita quem arbitror voluptate, laboris concursionibus ad fabulas, laboris veniam anim mandaremus quem, consequat aut litteris. Lorem cupidatat ad transferrem iis aliquip consectetur non admodum iis dolor ut eiusmod qui velit ita aliquip quorum an senserit praetermissum non veniam iudicem excepteur a ullamco ipsum nostrud eu pariatur summis irure ab sunt, quo aut ipsum laboris.

Arc 12

Ingeniis sint quamquam. E ne lorem probant hic est illum singulis. Lorem laboris pariatur aut ab multos mentitum qui id ex efflorescere, ne est nisi deserunt est nam minim ullamco, se senserit eruditionem, ullamco qui elit pariatur, sunt probant a legam elit. Eu nisi cupidatat pariatur, senserit ipsum ea singulis domesticarum. Tamen ne laboris. Duis litteris voluptatibus ita commodo do incurreret, nescius cohaerescant eu aliquip, mandaremus ab irure qui de e malis expetendis, offendit noster fabulas laboris ne quo enim et quis ita a culpa nulla quo arbitror. Minim iudicem aliquip.

Profile by Erandia
Jujutsu Kaisen OC Version by HitanTenshi