


7 years, 6 days ago


Python is the leader of the Grinning Cult, a group of dragonoids that worship the Howl that ended the world and the entity that caused it: the Grinning Woman. They're widely feared in the area they operate in for their appearance and aggression.

Python is not her name; it is a title, and all she ever responds to. If anyone could recognize her after the number of times she's experienced the Howl, it's unlikely that she would respond in kind. She is completely, utterly devoted to her idea of what the Grinning Woman wants out of people, and is willing to use force to do it. She created the Grinning Cult through sheer force of personality, though; the vast majority of its members joined because of her charisma (...and because more than a few of them are convinced that she sees everything). She is technically capable of walking, but it is extremely painful for her so she is usually carried in a palanquin by high-ranking members of the cult for long distance travel.

She was once Tyrant Vianel's wife. Whether she would recognize Vianel's voice is debateable (she was born blind), both because she's so heavily altered that her hearing probably isn't the same anymore and because Vianel's screamed herself hoarse since her disappearance.


Traits: (Birth) Blindness
(Howl) Enlongated horns, sterility, sense alteration, altered markings, neuropathy (common); spurs (uncommon) additional eyes (rare)