


7 years, 24 days ago


Name:  Zetil  (Ze - teal)

Nicknames: EX - 766;  Sheep

Species: Vortian Mutant

Gender: It's a mystery. (They/Them)

Age: They won't tell... or maybe they actually don't know themselves (body and mentality of about a 20-year-old)

Height: 4'7''

Sexuality: unsure

Relationship Status: Single 

Dom/Sub?: switch, probably

Body Shape: Small and slender

Special Body Features:

  • Goat-like pupils
  • Left horn is broken
  • Tooth gap on the left side

Occupation: Runs a pawnshop for stolen goods on the black market

Personality: Zetil is a feisty and stubborn little thing, who rarely takes no for an answer. Always scheming to try and make the most of it. Selfish and vain, they almost never do something if they don't gain any profit from it. This might partially be due to them being an escaped experiment. For a long time, Zetil had to look out for themselves and fight for survival, slowly working their way up. Generosity and selflessness get you nowhere in the slums. You lie, you cheat, you steal to get what you want. 

Other facts:

  • Don't be fooled by their small stature, it might be the last thing you do. Behind that grin lies a troubled mind and a vicious beast (think gremlin on meth)

  • They bite

  • Definitely a bit insane and a bit too fond of dangerous weapons

  • Zetil is an Irken Test Subject/Experiment that managed to escape. After their escape, they ended up in the slums, with nothing to their name. Those were hard times, but Zetil was persistent and through hard (illegal) work they managed to make a living and now own their own little shop.

  • Zetil doesn't talk much if not at all. It's not clear if that is a side effect of the experiments. They often just nod and gesture, though they seem to be able to form short simple sentences.

  • Very smart and good with devices. Tinkers and fixes machines in their free time

  • They have strong legs and are literally thickheaded. Getting headbutts by this dude is no joke

  • Because of their special eyes, they have a wider field of vision and get a better grip on the terrain. This is great if you need to look out for danger or are running from something