


9 years, 13 days ago


He has a tattoo on his face : Here

Nicor does not like to show off a lot of skin. Partly because the fact he is modest, but the other part is that he dislikes the cold. Actually, more accurately, he HATES the cold. This is a fact his lover uses to tease and annoy him with. Nicor loves shiny things, furs, and warm clothing. 


  • Nico is often out exploring and discovering new things. He isn't the type to shy away from something he doesn't understand and will throw himself completely into trying to understand it, even if this means potentially pissing of an easily agitated dragon or doing something he really shouldn't. This doesn't mean he is fearless, he just clearly does not have self-preservation instincts and doesn't realize when he is about to be in trouble.


  • This is a blessing and a curse. He doesn't like lying and thus won't often lie at all even though it might be better for him to do so. He is able to tell half-truths though, and omit details, but he would never lie to a question asked straight out. Often if he gets in trouble and gets caught, then it would be game over. On the flip side though, you can always trust him to be telling you the truth and he would never betray your trust. The only time this is not true is if he has a secret he promised to keep.  


  • Despite the fact that most of his kind don't seem to get along, Nico tries to be friends with anyone that he deems worthy. A sometimes high expectation to meet but usually his intuition is spot on. The thing is that anyone that becomes his friend will find he is very affectionate and cuddly even if his friends don't seem to want him to be so. He craves affection whether from friends, family, or lover (in this case, Xedron)

He has a naturally cheerful demeanor. Polite, if not a bit friendly, to most he meets. Don't let this fool you though. Despite his hard to ignite temper, Nicor is deadly in a fight and as fierce and passionate as any other dragon his age. His active nature keeps him fit, as his swimming and running help boost his speed. So while he doesn't seem to be selfish and thus does not fight over small things, he is ready to defend what he considers his and what he has rightfully earned.

Nicor is a restless spirit. He has to be doing something otherwise he will slowly go crazy. This isn't exaggeration. Caused by an incident when he was younger, Nicor now is unable to stand being forced still in any way. He will go berserk, mind temporarily lost, in an effort to free himself. The destination is typically any large enough body of water for him to dive into. The best thing to be done during this state of his is to stay out of his way. Nicor will do whatever it takes and with his mind lost for the moment, any morals and friendships/connections he had don't even cross his mind. He is unable to tell friends from foes. The only one to date, that has been able to stop such a rampage, has been Xedron. Xedron is his mate, the only being he is singlehandly unquestionably devoted to. If you are not Xedron, don't get in his way.