Orion Redfall



3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Orion Redfall

Gender: Male

Relationship: None

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 27

Birthday: November 1st

Personality: Orion is quick and quiet and tends to overanalyze things before jumping right into them, sticking to the back before finally making a move. He can be hot headed and tends to hold a grudge. He likes bad shows and games and finds them good not ironically, he just has very bad taste. Orion loves war stories and fights, although he wasn't originally set onto the idea of becoming a "grand warrior" himself, he loves hearing about them. He tends to have jokes fly over his head, although he loves pulling pranks. He also might be a little vain, but he wouldn't admit to that. Orion loves to hear stories from people and seems to get drawn into a really good folktale. Although he doesn't voice it, he's not very religious and has a small amount of doubt for their kind and benevolent monolith, although he keeps his own opinions to himself and just goes along for the ride. He also won't admit that he's been a really lonely person after Leto ditched him and is secretly grateful to have Wiley, and now Tally, Whilmer, and Alexa in his life, even if he doesn't get them sometimes. He still likes to be alone sometimes, but he misses feeling a part of something. Maybe thats where the Robin Hood appeal came from.

Home: Orion was born on the Planet Viotía (Diasporan) , a large planet that is mainly filled with stone forests, deserts, and large bird-like and insect-like wildlife, and many lakes and rivers filled with alkaline infested waters, leaving it a bright red. Very little lakes and rivers contain fresh water, and thus this is where most settlements on the planet were built. Humans began to inhabit Viotía during the First Committee, using the highly hostile planet to test starting colonies on more dangerous planets. During the Second Committee, the planet became a perfect place to place persons of interest, as keeping the galaxies most dangerous persons together on a planet with not much going on for it in regards to human life makes it easier to keep cooperative prisoners together in one place. This all changed when civil war reached Viotía and prisons riots caused the planet to turn hands. New settlements begin to form as, one by one, the planet fell to the people that were once prisoners on it, and they were determined to survive. They became warriors of sort, utilizing whatever technology the Second Committee left behind to make new settlements and cities, their own colonies away from the government. Many attempts by the Third Committee were made to reach out to the damaged planet, but very few settlements in Viotía were ready to get their aid and most would rather fend for themselves. Overtime, a culture based around strength was made with most groups valuing those who are best at physical strength, cleverness, agility, and those with good intuition. By 5016u, multiple large settlements on Viotía have made some kind of contact and uneasy peace with the Third Committee, although no steps have been made by the Third Committee just yet to repair damages the Second Committee has caused.

Backstory: Orion was born in Lemnos, a settlement that is set on an island in a large lake made mostly of alkaline waters, the island itself being places in the only part of it where the water isn't toxic. Orion was a member of the Redfall family, one of the few families left that's been around since before the civil war that had happened many many years previously. They were a respected family and thus Orion had a lot to live up to, but glory and legends wasn't what Orion really wanted. Something in his life was missing, and although he was a respected member of the community, by both being a member of a well respected family as well as being a notable hunter as well, something constantly nagged him at the back of his mind, that there was something he was looking for and whatever he already had in Lemnos was not it. All of that ended up changing the day Lemnos finally allowed outsides to come inside Lemnos, expanding trading from being just on planet to also allowing some visitors from outside of Viotía to come as well. That is where Orion met Leto, a traveller who was curious about a well known death planet that had stubbornly surviving colonies on it. Orion took an interest in the new suppliers, but Leto had the best stories, describing the world beyond the stars with such joy, Orion could see it if he thought hard enough. Days of visiting the supplier became weeks, then a month, then she had to leave, offering to take him out to see the worlds beyond. It doesn't take much to make him agree, so he leaves Viotía with Leto, and that is the last time he sees his home. The two of them, and Leto's crew, finally made their stop at another planet, ready to restock and refuel to get to the next colonies. Orion wandered the planet, sometimes with Leto, but the old woman was mainly busy with her work, so he was alone most of the time. Orion didn't know how to interact with these strangers from a different planet and felt out of place. He was good at adapting, and after some time, began to adjust, so when he left with Leto again to move on, he was more prepared for another, different planet. His luck changed when they reached a colony known as Chios. Unlike the last planet and his home, more people were doing less well off than Orion would have liked. He grew sympathetic of the people there and decided to take things into his own hands, to get the people what they needed. That ended up being...robbery. And unfortunately, that ended up robbing the home of a very powerful local figure, Oenopion. Naturally, the old man hated getting robbed, so he did what any person would do, get his children to do the work, and sent his daughter Merope to kick his ass get what Orion stole back. Leto got wind of it and managed to find Orion and get off of Chios and away from the vengeful daughter and father. At their next stop, Leto told Orion to leave and that she would not take him with her anymore as he has now become a liability and a target on her back. Orion was now left alone, and since he already made himself a reputation, why not continue creating a legend of his own, he grew up on them after all. So he began to steal, targeting well off individuals and giving back to those less fortunate. To the poor, Orion Redfall was a saint, and to the rich, a fiend who has caught the eye of some dangerous people. Orion didn't stay too long from place to place and after years of travel, was far enough away from Crios and Viotía, he doubted anyone who saw his face was even alive enough to describe it. He was a myth of his own, his own modern Robin Hood. Then one day, he decided to rob from the home of Little Stinker...