




The Bhavsar Family The gang hell yeah

Ravvy Bhavsar Little bro

Cause & Effect Funny Alien Duo

Those Guys (negative) Bad Aliens(?) Dudes

HTML Pinky

Real Life

Bhavsar Family

My parivaar! Goofy Bunch

Ravvy Bhavsar

Little bro & family bestie

Unreal Life

Cause & Effect

The amount they know about humans is honestly hillarious

Those Guys (Negative)

Are you like space pirates or something??

The Bhavsar Family


Hated Loved

Frankie loves her family, even if she doesn't often get to talk in with her older siblings often. They love spending christmas together, and often try to keep each other updated on weird life events (though, rarely personal life events). They have a family group chat where they send photos of wild animals they find.


  • There are 5 kids total including Frankie, 3 of them are older than her
  • She's closest to her younger brother (see below), they play games all the time
  • The family teases each other a lot, and are prone to using nicknames
  • Parents stress the idea of a hard work ethic, and have made all their kids at least try and get a job going into high school

Aarav "Ravvy" Belledale


Hated Loved

The youngest of the 5 Bhavsar siblings, he's very loud and likes attention. Enjoys playing video games and gets really awkward when it comes to sharing anything meaningful he's doing, unless it's with Frankie, then he tells her pretty much everything. He likes to make jokes and has a very quick witt, very social, but actually has a hard time being 'deep'.


  • Plays multiplayer games with Frankie a lot, hats lots of online friends
  • Has a gaming youtube channel that only Frankie knows about, he claims he'd die if Frankie ever told anyone about it
  • He's part of the reason Frankie joined Nathan's DnD campaign, he actually knows Nathan too
  • Close friends with Piccolo's brother Tam, likes to play online games with him
  • Collects rocks, because he likes rocks

Cause & effect


Hated Loved

Although they claim to be very powerful and scary, the duo seems as though they'd never hurt a fly. Cause (blue one) is big on researching humans to try and discover their weaknesses, and Effect (pink one) considers themself a master of executing said plans. The two of them vow to get the statue back, but they're not very good at it.


  • The little red orb on their outfits is a translator.
  • Cause has recently discovered coffee and fallen in love with it
  • Effect keeps adopting stray animals on accident
  • Both can go invisible at will

Those Guys (derogatory)


Hated Loved

An actually frightening space gang, who seem fully fine with destorying property and hurting others if it means getting their mits on the Rabbit in Frankie's hands. They seem to dislike Cause and Effect, and seem to being going after both of them as well. The only rule they seem to follow is 'stay hidden from most humans'.


  • Find Earth to be fully gross and disgusting
  • Ride around in a giant pirate-ship themed space ship I think
  • Idk I think the idea would be cool!!