

3 years, 4 months ago



Name: Amida
Occupation: Aquatic Android Maid of Miyami
Eyes: Green
Hair color: Purple
Race: Android
Body Type: Average built
Height: 5'7
Weight: 178.3lbs
Powers: (On land) Handed Combat, Hydro thrusters, Propulsions, Beam Trident, Bubble cannons.
Likes: Serving her master Miyami, Getting checked on, Filtering H2O, Helping others.
Dislikes: Delayed, anyone threatening her master.  

Bio: An android made for aquatic missions and land as well. Her acronym stands for Aquatic  Marine Incognito Diving Android, or AMIDA for short.
She was designed by Prof Asami to help Miyami out in marine based missions.
Amida has eager attitude to helping out her master as much as she can. So much so she decided to become her maid in most tasks. Nobody knows how well built Amida is as her arms become into bubble cannons, whirlpool propeller cannons, thrusters, and has a beam trident. Land or Sea, her combat prowess is on par with her sister unit Sadie. They share a friendly competitive romp vying for her attention. During her spare time, she likes to clean around, inspect the water levels and salinity, swim around, receive tests and maintenance. When it comes to doing aquatic based missions, she excels in stealth and warfare in the water. Its what gave her the moniker "The Steel Siren".

Strengths: Conservative, Loyal
Weaknesess: Obsessive, Naive