
bought off instagram for 2000 DA points 

info still a WIP 




Sea/Ice (Rainwing ancestry)




10 years, born June 5th, 5008 AS


Slightly larger than the average Seawing. She has a more bulky build. She is mostly dark blue, but has lighter blue markers of swirls and different patterns covering her upper body. Seafarer's bioluminescent strips are bright blue but fade into a purple color towards her tail. Her wings are light purple, she has the planets alignment and star signs tattooed on the inner membrane. 

Seafarer icewing blood is obvious from the crest of spines around her head, though they seem to be softer than an icewings crown. And instead of webbing she has more rigid spines running down her back but stopping at the tail. 

She wears an assortment of accessories, most often being seen with a long string of black pearls wrapping from around her neck and wings all the way down to her tail. She always wears necklaces made with assorted shells, broken glass, beads and some semi precious stones. 


Seafarer is a scholar by heart. She enjoys studying the world around her. She loves studying astronomy in particular. Most know her as a diligent and hard worker, though sometimes she gets a bit too caught up in her own work that she doesn't pay attention to much else. Seafarer will always have a solution for anything, and finds the quickest and easiest way to solve problems. Despite her large muscular stature, Seafarer is a pacifist by nature. Though if she has to get in any sort of conflict she will try to handle it without using brute strength. It would take a lot to make her hurt someone. 

Seafarer always likes to travel, mostly due to her parents trade of being sailors. She plans on saving up enough money one day to have her own ship and crew for future expeditions. 


Travel, the ocean, shell collecting, studying, astronomy, the moons and stars


Storms, pirates, cloudy days, being interrupted from her work, fighting


Seafarer wasn't a planned child. She was an accident that occurred between two dragons who became lovers do to an unforeseen circumstance. Her mother was an Icewing trader who escaped the ice kingdom to fulfill her desires for freedom and starting her own business. She was caught up in a nasty storm one day, and her ship was destroyed by the devastating waves. She would have drowned of it had not been for a Seawing who happened to be nearby. The Seawing had brought her to an island and was nursing her back to health. Her mother would have returned to mainland if she could, but a piece of debris from the ship had broken a wing. So she was stuck with the Seawing until she became better. At first she wasn't happy about it, but gradually the two hit it off and became close. 

And that's where Seafarer came in. Her mother was shocked when she found she was with egg, and then worried. She feared that having a child would hold her back from her dreams of travel and going back to being a trader. But the Seawing assured her that their child could brave the trip. And he was excited, he brought up that they would have a child to carry on their legacy of being renowned traders and travelers. Her mother considered this and reluctantly agreed. And thus Seafarer was born on the Wings of Glory out at open sea.

For many years Seafarer helped with her parents business with trade, she was still very young at the time when a tragedy ripped them away. A band of Pirates attacked Wings of Glory. The group ransacked the ship, stealing everything of value and destroying goods that were not. Her father and mother couldn't fight them off. Fearing for her daughters life, her mother made a split second decision. She grabbed ger daughter and tossed her into an empty barrel. Before she closed the lid she hugged her daughter tightly and handed her a scroll. "My love, I must say goodbye now. Take this, it's a map to our family fortune. Your mother loves you very much, but we don't have much time now, you need to leave. Don't look back" Those were her mothers last words before the barrel was cast overboard. Seafarer watched in despair as the ship was engulfed in flames, the laughter of those evil dragons filled her heart with dread. 

The barrel had been drifting out at sea for days, Seafarer was too afraid to get out for food. She stayed alone in the barrel, curled up clutching her scroll tightly. The only reminder of her mother and father. Save for a shell shaped locket around her neck. The barrel was suddenly scoped up by a net. An old fisherman, a Sea/Mud hybrid by the look of it had caught her barrel. The old dragon  was furious at first, but Seafarer had managed to convince him to let her stay after she told him what happed, and offered to do work for him. He reluctantly accepted, and fed her for the night. In the morning he offered her a proposal. That he would raise her until she was old enough to fare for herself, but she would need to work for him and earn her own living. She reluctantly agreed. It wasn't all too bad living with the fisherman, he taught her many things and helped her overcome her fear of the ocean again. He also encouraged her to pursue her studies, even giving her her own study area. 

7 years later Seafarer now runs a cartography business. She sells maps and helps chart expeditions. Ever since what happened to her parents, she had still strayed away from the sea. That was until recently, on the night of the three full moons, she left out the scroll mother had given her. Despite her studies in cartography she could never decipher the map. Until now. The moonlight had revealed a secret writing and the full map, a rout to her family's fortune. Just as her mother has told her. Now Seafarer was determined to find the fortune, fulfilling her family's legacy.