


3 years, 3 months ago



Name: Jasper

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Burmese Cat

Birthday: 19/11

Physical Details:

Height: 5’11/ 181cm

Weight: 180lbs/ 82Kg

Fur: Medium length, average length fur for a Burmese cat. 

Other Defining Features: Jasper (within the context of my universe) has some of the most powerful earth magic that anyone is capable. He does everything he can in order to keep this under wraps since he fears for himself and his friends should dangerous personnel hear about his unrivalled potential. 

Habits: Jasper has a habit of getting snappy with anyone, but he does his best to keep his irritability inward. He doesn’t mean to get so grumpy, the constant stress of making sure no one knows about his magic makes it hard for him to keep his cool all of the time. Jasper spends a lot of time looking down at his feet. Given his tall stature, he finds that many women attempt to hit on him while he often does not want to talk. 

Gestures: Jasper talks a lot with his hands. Especially when tensions are high, he makes a lot of hand gestures, since they help get his point across. He’s very calm, so he’s the most likely to be sat still between them all.

Demeanour: Jasper comes off as very cold and steely on the outside. They seem somewhat hostile on the outside, but he does want to grow close to good people. When the situation is right, Jasper relaxes, and his more relaxed and calm personality arises, which is relaxed conversation, music and jokes. 

Voice: His voice is rather deep, think something like James from The Right Opinion. 

Style: Jasper is quite classy. When around friends he may become more casual. 

Clothing Style: Jasper tries to keep things classy, liking to dress with formal dress shirts. He thinks it will keep his powers on the down-low, even though the rest of his friends really can’t work out why he thinks this way. He struggles to dress more casually even when alone due to his worry. 


Likes: Classy clothes, jazz music, sushi, green, watching old black-and-white movies, collecting rare coins in different currencies, people who can see past the flaws he acknowledges and puzzle games. 

Dislikes: Super baggy clothing, country music, purple, horror and depressing movies, curries, being significantly stressed basically most of the time, and romcom movies. 

Hobbies: Jasper- while worried about his powers- does enjoy toying around with his potential while he is secluded somewhere in a forest. He normally brings one of his friends to help him or watch out for people nearby. Aside from that, he likes to collect and view his rare coin collection and enjoys reading all sorts of books. 

Skills: His powers provide him with immense strength should he ever need it, but he's also relatively cunning and thoughtful, able to create plans and comb through other plans to make them more efficient. 

Dreams: Jasper’s main dream is to reach a point with his powers that makes him happy. He would either like it gone, or be able to have it safely, because he would like to live a safe happy life with someone, but that’s in jeopardy with his powers. He wants to live a normal life with zero worry. 

Fears: Jasper lives in constant fear of his powers being discovered and the consequences of that, but aside from that he is afraid of mannequins and hurting his friends and family. 

History/ Background:

The world setting: It’s essentially modern day Earth, but a variety of species of furries are the dominant species. The main characters in this world are university age people, where some are in education, and some are in employment. 

Occupation: Jasper attends the same university as Sunniva and Hatchi, where he is studying law. 

Educational Background/ Learning Experiences: Jasper- to help draw attention away from his powers- put much focus on his academic success. He managed to cleave his way through school with no problems, however this did leave him lonely and with no friends growing up, until about college where he was able to successfully make some friends. 

Intelligence Levels: Jasper is very smart in both the academic sense and in common sense. He has a pretty good knowledge of how the world works, as well as random trivial facts that the rest of his friends all love to hear. However, he does have trouble with friendships and how to interact with others, as much as he hates it and hates to admit it. 

Short Term Goals: Jasper would like to focus on getting through university and keeping up with his friends, as well as maybe trying to meet more people. 

Long Term Goals: Jasper wants his powers dealt with a way that allows him to live a normal life, he hates that a random chance has absolutely ruined his life forever. He wants to have a normal job with a normal partner and just live. 

Family: Jasper lives with just his mother, with his father leaving while he was seven and making no effort to keep up with him. He has an older sister, who aside from his friends is the only one to know about Jasper’s uncapped potential. His sister does his best to support him through it, and has done a great job so far. The three of them are very closed. 


  • Relationship with Hatchi- Hatchi knows exactly what it’s like to be super stressed (though not for the same reasons) so Hatchi is normally the best person for Jasper to relent to when he needs good advice and thoughtful responses. They both like a calm, quiet sit down, and are most likely to just watch some YouTube and talk about their individual collections. 
  • Relationship with Sunniva- Jasper also tends to relent to Sunniva, but he will go to them when he wants some jovial thoughts and caring considerations. While Jasper sometimes finds Sunniva’s energy to be a bit too much, Sunniva respects this and often powers down whenever Jasper is feeling really tired and down. If they were to hang out, they’d probably go visit a furniture shop and walk around together. 
  • Relationship with Flux- Flux and Jasper are friends who don’t have very much in common, but they just get along so well due to being polite and respectful. Flux has a hard time managing Jasper when he’s distressed, but Flux and Jasper really enjoy just talking about basic boring stuff.Â