


3 years, 3 months ago


a lonesome chimia, was seperated from his family as a youngin and lived alone a good chunk of his life. He trusts and loves too easy, his daemon takes care of him to make sure he doesn't fall into some trouble. Steals and pickpockets from others though he calls it "borrowing" and he does return back the stolen goods, but it's usually after it breaks/used/tinkered with. Rarely dresses up when he's in the comfort of his home but a bunch of jingle jangles adorned on him. Would wear crop tops and baggy pants if he is going outside. Taken in as an apprentice by a nice chimoraa lady and her partner. Though he doesn't understand why they fuss over him so much, it feels nice to be taken care of at times. Has never been in the same spot for too long, a nomadic type chimia. Fights with staffs and fysa over most mahcines, pretty lithe and speedy but not too strong or tanky so relies heavily on fast multiple attacks