Rashion-Shiri Avyavastha (Ara)



7 years, 5 days ago

Basic Info


Rashion- Shiri Avyavastha (Ara)




Kowaiko by shiohh ( Combination of Kowaiko and monster spider)


Gentleman, Hoarder


Stoic, Silent, Empathy, OCD, Forgetful


Rashion- Shiri Avyavastha, a butler and gentleman taking care of Taiga

A spider kowaiko with a soft heart for others. Has 4 arms and his hands are covered in scales. He had a "disease" and obsession for wanting and/ or making someone to be his " perfect partner".  He is a mute gentleman yet forceful to get things he wanted.  He creates a red and white web to capture his prey and/or make a hammock-like to sit while chilling. 

Ara had some strange and unknown "sickness or disease" that he will forget about 50% of memory for every two hours on what he is doing on the present, except for the past (mostly taking care of Taiga is what he wouldn't forget). There has some incident that he lost about 20% memory of what was his past and his true self. The countdown of him losing his memory can be shown about 10 seconds.

His arms and mask are his noticeable feature. The mask resemble a spider-like design to match his specie. Ara wearing the mask make other suspicious in what's beneath it. Unfortunately, he doesnt want to take out his mask and show his mouth to others, he might scare them and might slowly remember his past.

Additional Information

  • His third eye on his forehead is always wide open and staring intensifies.
  • Has hard red scale from his arms to his hands and knees to feet.
  • As a spider monster, he had a tendency to wrap a baby out of spider silk when taking care of them especially Taiga when was a baby.
  • When the countdown starts and almost reach to minimum seconds, he became weaker.
  • Cookies are his babies. If ever anyone eats one, he'll snap out and be depressed. If ever he got married, he'll always show their cookie babies.
  • The red hair strands from his white hair are colored like blood.
  • When talking, but only to Taiga, its low and demonic. When on comic panels, his text bubbles appears to be in red and black with red text.


 ♦ tbaimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQseZp0b94N0PR9aKXLwLF

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. 


 ♦ tba

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. 



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa.