Harley - 🔺️



3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Harley

Age: 21

Birthday: September 13

Star sign: Virgo

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Status: single

Flavor: sugar

Clan: beta

Power: levitation 

Personality: very shy and quiet, sweet and gentle, creative, extremely sympathetic, caring about others and selfless, always putting others first, doesn't have very much of any confidence in herself, can be kind of negative and pessimistic at times, very talented in creating all sorts of crafty stuff, draws and sews a lot and is good at sewing fancy clothes, wants to be an artist or own a boutique 

Likes: the beach, animals, sewing, drawing, painting, baking, having her alone time, feeling loved by friends and family, any sort of sweets

Dislikes: storms, the cold, feeling alone, the water if she can't touch the bottom of the pool or ocean, animal cruelty, dumb people

Occupation: works in a cafe, helps make the goodies, and also sells as a cashier 

Lives: Moku Peʻa City, Lambda