


3 years, 4 months ago


Ruairi (Rory), He/Him, 30, Gay, Sun Bear

When he was 8, he watched his parents die in front of him. The attacker left a parting gift, a mangled eye. His healer-wizard uncle who took him in did his best to fix it. The vision in Ruairi's left eye couldn't be saved, but he is grateful that his uncle managed to save the eye itself, because he can't fathom himself in an eyepatch. When he was 16, his uncle passed away, and he ended up on the streets due to a loophole in his will allowing the Council of Mages to seize his property. In order to stay alive and to pick up some cash, he got into the street fighting scene. Along the way, he met Fiona. He saw his hatred of the world reflected in her, and vowed himself to her service. He was the first to swear himself to her, and is probably trusted the most, though never completely. Fiona doesn't trust anyone completely. Is her second in command in an official capacity.