


3 years, 4 months ago



"I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging, til I got nothing left."

  • name > Jaguarsnarl
        prefix meaning > Jaguar- for his spotted coat, and to honor Lionstrike’s late brother Jaguarpaw
        suffix meaning > -snarl, for his fighting abilities
        previous names > Jaguarkit, Jaguarpaw
    nicknames > Jaguar

    clan > Cloudclan
    rank > Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
    mentor > Branchleap
    apprentices >
        current > xxx
        previous > Panthercrow, Gorsewing, Goldenpaw (missing)

  • age > 22+ moons
    gender > Male
    sex > Female
    sexuality > Polyamorous, bisexual

42313041_bJmd3CWO4pMl4y7.pngbasic description > Jaguar is a tallish, slightly stocky cat, with medium length goldish brow rosetted fur with longer cream fur around their neck and cheeks.
build > On the taller side, Slightly stocky
fur description > Soft, medium length goldish/brown fur with rosettes, longer cream fur around the neck and cheeks.
breeds > moggy
height > 29 cm
weight > 7.7 lbs

voice > Derek Hale
scent > Light scent of honey, and rain.

scars > 2 large scars, one on his back leg, and one on his front paw
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx


Positive Traits
positive >
    >> Ambitious  > Jaguar is an ambitious cat, always determined to succeed in whatever he has for a goal. he wants to be the absolute best at anything and everything he does.
    >> Charismatic  > Jaguar has a certain way with words. He can make you believe in what he is saying without trying, and it will sound like he is the expert on the subject.
    >> Confident  > He is confident, he doesn’t doubt himself or his abilities. Jaguar is sure of himself and believes he can and will do anything hhe sets his mind to.

neutral >
    >> Stubborn  > Once Jaguar has his mind set on something, it is hard to change it. He will only see what he wants and it is a challenge for anyone to dissuade him. While it is difficult, Jaguar’s mind can be changed, it will just take a lot of persuasion.
    >> Moralistic  > Jaguar is a moralistic cat, he stands by his morals. He will point out to others that what they are doing isn’t exactly what they should be doing sometimes, if not all the time.
    >> Competitive  > From playing to win with friends and siblings to wanting to be the best warrior Cloudclan has ever seen, he wants to do it all, and succeed. Jaguar is very competitive when it comes to games, training, hunting, and making the best den, he doesn’t want to lose.

negative >
    >> Sarcastic  > he is very sarcastic, did he really mean what he just said or was it him being his sarcastic self again. Sometimes it can be hard to take him seriously due to his sarcasm.
    >> Aloof  > Jaguar can have bouts of aloof moods. He can be cool and distant with others and be unwilling to be friendly with others at times.
    >> Impulsive  > He is an impulsive cat, Jaguar will make a split second decision and act on it without really thinking of the consequences that can follow. This gets him into trouble more often than not.


 parents >
    >> Lionstrike > A large golden tabby, with medium length fur, and longer length fur around their nack and tail tip

siblings >
    >> Leopardbite > A light brown/goldish cat with rosettes on their fur (deceased)

    >> Pantherpaw > A brown tom cat with longer spikey fur and darker stripe markings(deceased)

    >> Ocelotkit > A light brown cat, with darker brown on their back, along with dark stripe markings.(deceased)

mate(s) >
    >> Dustcloud > short description
    >> Lochjaw > short description

kits >
    >> name > short description

extended >
    >> Tigerstripe > Golden tabby tom - Grandfather - Deceased

    >> Leopardheart > Golden tabby molly - Grandmother - Deceased
    >> Ocelotdash > Golden spotted tabby tom - Uncle - Deceased
    >> Cougarheart > Golden tom with darker/paler markings - Uncle - Deceased
    >> Jaguarpaw > Golden rosette tabby tom - Uncle - Deceased

    >> Pumapaw > Brown tabby tom with green eyes- Nephew - Alive
    >> Pantherpaw > Fluffy spotted torbie molly with green eyes - Niece - Alive
    >> Lynxpaw > Brown tabby tom with green eyes and a bobtail - Nephew - Alive
    >> Cheetahpaw > Black spotted tabby tom with green eyes - Nephew - Alive
    >> Caracalpaw > Black tabby molly with green eyes - Niece - Alive

    >> Servalpaw > black rosetted tabby tom with green eyes - Nephew - Alive

    >> Gloomthorn > black tabby cat with green eyes - sibling in law - Alive

mates > Dustcloud, Lochjaw
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests > Dustcloud, Lochjaw
    looking for > Nothing, I found my loves~

likes in a potential mate >
    > funny 

dislikes in a potential mate >

interested in kits > yes
preferred family size > big



Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    Jaguarkit was born to Lionstrike in the middle of leaf-bare. He was third born, alongside Leopardkit, Pantherkit, and Ocelotkit.
he had a lot of fun, playing in the nursery, especially with all the other kits that were with them! he had a relatively quiet kithood, he played, explored, with permission of course, and told anyone who would listen about his ambitions of being the bestest warrior of Cloudclan that ever existed.

It was quiet until cats started getting sick, he had heard his mother and the other queens expressing their worry over what was happening. His mother held them a little closer now, keeping them tucked close to her side and facing away from the entrance. Jaguarkit wanted to play and explore but he was also worried about that strange cough sickness, so he chose to just play inside the nursery and keep close to his mom. But then one day Ocelotkit started coughing and was rushed off to the medicine den, he never returned. Jaguar felt as if his heart was destroyed. How could this happen? Ocelotkit was fine.. And now he was in Starclan? They had been playing together just a few days ago! He wished this sickness would go away, and not take any more of his family from him. He just hoped that Ocelot was happy and looking down on them from Starclan...

Some kits had just become apprentices, which Jaguar couldn’t wait to do himself, when a bunch of cats came from Hailclan, his mother had explained that it was because their territory was flooded, how horrible! There was a bunch of kits with them too, maybe they could be some new friends?
It was right around this time that the kit started questioning whether they were a she-cat or not.

There were still many cats in the camp, Jaguarkit had fun playing with the other kits and hearing stories about Hailclan, but then the day came when it was safe for the other clan to return home. It was a little sad to see all the new friends go home, but hopefully he would see them at gatherings.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    Finally the day had come that Jaguarkit was able to leave the nursery and start training to become a warrior of Cloudclan! Jaguarpaw was given Branchleap as their mentor. He had also started asking his clanmates to use male pronouns for him, as he had felt more like a tom cat than a she-cat.
Before he had become an apprentice, there was a dog attack, and their deputy never returned, causing a new deputy, Brookshine, to be appointed, and Jaguarpaw thought she was a good deputy, but two moons later, she was found dead, killed by a rabbit filled with death-berries. As Starlingstar made the announcement of the new deputy Grasshopperhill, Jaguar stood in shock.
He couldn’t believe it, someone had killed a clanmate! How could someone be so kill without reason. It made the young apprentice uneasy, that cat could be anywhere in the camp. Would they get caught? Or would the cat get off with no punishment? It was a warmer afternoon, the sun was hot and Jaguarpaw was resting in some shade in the camp. He was excited to go with Branchleap later, hopefully for a patrol or a hunting lesson! But that didn’t happen. His mother, Lionstrike, was found dead. She had been attacked by that dog that was roaming around. Jaguarpaw felt such sorrow, sitting vigil with his siblings. Their family was now down to just himself, Leopardpaw and Pantherpaw. They had lost their brother and their mother, but he was sure that the three of them would carry on Lionstrike’s legacy.

He had been sitting outside, near the entrance of the camp, quietly watching the busy camp when Hailclanners started to come through. He was a little shocked to see them, some carrying kits, some were just apprentices.. There wasn’t any more flooding though.. So what could have brought them to Cloudclan? That question was answered soon enough when he heard of what had happened.
He recognized a few faces, some had been here when he was just a small kit, some of the kits had been born here and shared the nursery with him. He was glad they had come here, and were safe from what was happening in Hailclan.

The sun had been hot, and most of the cats in Cloudclan were taking to the shade within the camp. Jaguarpaw had just been out with Branchleap, most of the prey having been hiding from the heat as well. When the two cats entered, he saw one of his littermates, Pantherpaw, walking unsteadily through camp. Before he could even call out to his brother, Panther collapsed.

Jaguarpaw watched on in horror as his brother was pronounced dead. He rushed off to the apprentice den, tucking himself away from the camp and what had happened. His family was growing smaller and smaller, now just him and his sibling Leaopardpaw, he couldn’t help but ignore the world around him as he grieved.

Why was this happening? All of his siblings were supposed to become warriors beside him, their mother watching proudly amongst the others… Now they were gone and him and Leopardpaw were the only ones left.
He made a promise to himself, to always do his best to protect his family, no matter the cost. He couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.

Things were going alright, and a gathering was taking place. Jaguarpaw had been off by himself, chatting here and there with other cats. He watched in curiosity as the sky blackened, but that curiosity quickly turned into horror as lighting struck the hope bridge, and fire leapt up in its place. Jaguar was quick to move, his sister was there somewhere, but seeing her run, he didn’t see a reason to stick around, turning to chase after her. He didn’t miss the strange cat walking through the fire, and when she announced herself and he heard of the spies, he pushed his paws faster. He wouldn’t leave his only family alone out there with that news.

After the events at the gathering, Jaguarpaw was on edge, like most of the cats in the clans. He did try to focus on how he would be becoming a warrior in the next day, but that joyful feeling he had thinking about it, quickly left him when the hunting patrol returned. Their own deputy was a spy? He just couldn't understand why clan mates would murder cats they are supposed to protect and care about.

Jaguar sat in his nest that night, unable to sleep, if it was due to what had happened that day, or his excitement for the next day, he didn't really know. He just wanted to be able to protect his clan better in any way he could, and hopefully with those two spies gone, Cloudclan would be at least a little bit safer for now...
warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >
    Soon the day came, Jaguarpaw was finally a warrior, alongside his sibling Leopardbite. He couldn’t be prouder of them, and was sure their family was proud of them from the other side. He had been given the name Jaguarsnarl, he was thrilled, the new name felt right and the young warrior was overjoyed to hear the new name from his clanmates.
A new deputy had been named, Jaguar really hoped she would stay around, as Halfbranch appeared to have the best intentions for Cloudclan.

The young tom had heard the news that travelled throughout the clans, Blizzardfang had been killed and the remaining spies were being dealt with. He could breathe easy now. And soon, the hope bridge had been rebuilt, which meant Hailclan would be leaving and returning to their rightful home with a new leader that would take care of them.
Things had been calm in the clan, leaf-fall had begun and things seemed to be okay. Jaguarsnarl was ecstatic about the fact that the spies were gone, but that happiness was interrupted by the Crystal Falls being attacked, by none other than one of Cloudclan’s spies, and another he didn’t care to know the name of.
Waverose was murdered, leaving Cloudclan with one medicine cat.
And then that one medicine cat turned into none. Bramblewhisper was found dead near Marshclan’s border.

The sinking feeling when Jaguar realized his clan was now defenceless against injury and sickness made shivers run down his spine. What would they do?
It wasn’t long after the loss of their sole medicine cat that disaster struck. A bobcat had been discovered, and the tunnels collapsed. Usually Jaguarsnarl would show concern, and then move on to help the others and the clan. This was a different day though, his sibling went down there. She was trapped down there. His charming facade slipped completely as he awaited for the cats to return from digging. He wanted to go after them, but there needed to be warriors back at camp. What if that bobcat came here instead?

What felt like one hundred moons went by, and then he heard the news, the cats had been rescued, and Leopardbite would be returning home to their medicine den to recover. He felt a slight relief, he just hoped her recovery would be speedy.

It was only days before Leopardbite would leave the medicine den, under the watch of Creamytail, who had travelled to Cloudclan to help them while they were without a medicine cat, that the announcements came. Leopardbite had become mates with Gloomthorn! And they were expecting!
Jaguar was going to be an uncle...their family was growing. He felt his heart swell, he would throw his life on the line for these new additions, whether they knew that or not.

Leaf-bare had come early it seemed, snow was starting to cover the ground, and with so many mouths to feed, and more on the way, Jaguarsnarl had been trying to do what he could to make sure his clan had enough food to eat, even if it was only bringing back one small mouse at a time. He had been on his back into camp when the clan was called for a meeting, and to his surprise, he was now mentoring Gorsepaw! He was overjoyed that he was entrusted with an apprentice. He couldn't wait to start with the young cat.

It was a calm leaf-bare day, Jaguarsnarl had been out hunting, returning with a very small mouse that he had the luck of catching when he heard the news that Leopardbite was in labor. He was thrilled, and when he saw the six little bundles, he couldn’t stop the smile that was on his muzzle. ‘They are so small, tiny blessings from Starclan themselves’ He thought.

With leaf-bare now seeming to hit harsher and harsher every day, Jaguar found himself pushing his hunting abilities. Every chance he got, he was on a hunting patrol, with so many new kits in the clan now, he wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to eat. Even if he did return with empty paws half of the time.

It got to the point where they had new warriors starving to death in the clan, no matter how hard he tried every patrol, the prey was hiding away from the harsh cold. The young tom never experienced a hunger like this, not ever, he longed for the days with his own siblings, and their mother, safe and warm in the nursery some days, but he would do anything he could to make sure Leopard and his newly gained family members, stayed fed.


Leopardbite {Sibling | Cloudclan | Alive}

  "I am proud of you Leo, you are my only sibling and I will make sure you are safe no matter what"
Jaguarsnarl is highly protective of his remaining family, he doesn't want to see any harm happen to her. However, he is also really proud of her, and especially proud about her continuing the legacy of their family with her new found mate and their kits.

Gorsewing {Apprentice | Cloudclan | Alive}

  "You are amazing kid, keep your head up! You are one of the best cats I know"

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  family
  •  making friends
  •  sunny weather
  •  fresh kill
  •  hunting
  • cats with no sense of humor
  • rain
  • spiders
  • overly aggressive cats
  • ice
  • 🟆 Jaguar is my third cat in CC
  • 🟆 They are my second kit won in a tryout
  • 🟆 This is my first cat that I actually have future plans with
  • 🟆 Jaguar is designed by @/Sn0wbranch!

profile html by Hukiolukio || Written Application vicstars on DA & ScorcherSoldier