


7 years, 1 month ago




Ageend of her twenties/beginning of 30s...? (Photosynthesiskind can grow older than unaltered humans and remain a rather young look for a longer time.)
Heightrelatively tall >1,80 m
Skinbrownish, tanned, green freckles on the limbs, back and outer areas of the face (Not on the belly, inner parts of legs, arms, hands, or under the feet...). The stronger the general influence of sunlight the more and more colourful become the freckles and spread more evenly. Skin has a rather hard texture
Hairkind of dark olive/kaki tone. She seldomly keeps it longer than up to shoulderlength but most times even shorter. the hair is really thick (thicker than actual thick human hair), when it gets longer, it becomes scrubby and quite poofy.
Eyesa well saturated green
Bodyathletic and trained. Broad shoulders.
Orientation? - She has not made many experiences in that way... Apart from an innocent early love in a youth, there was no man or woman that really interested her. Romantic feelings are strange for her and occure very seldomnly and she doesn't miss them. In a sexual context... well, she does not really care about it and she also has close to no experiences.
Occupationbiologist, specialised on botany and ecology cycles, currently working for a non-profit environmental organisation
Clothingmostly practical working clothes. Tanktops and cargo pants. Boots and a brown leather or denim jeans jacket, also working overalls. General clothing style can be found at this board.
Charactercalm, sparing of words, often serious, a thinker. However, she finds it easy to enjoy the little things and small details; she just keeps the joy inside her and doesn't look like it on the outside. So far, she is an optimistic person, even though she knows about the tragic of her world and experiences racism from some times. Her negative experiences never made her bitter, though, but growing stronger, more self confident and fierce the fight for her goals. What made her strong is the bond to her family and knowing they are safe and well. Her family never really understood her pursuit of higher goals but they support her no matter what.However, Zeeda is a loner after all but has a reflected and balanced character, open for interacting with others.


Zeeda belongs to a altered humanoid species that mutaded due to environmental changes, her skin partly contains chlorophyll.

She lives with her family again, after becoming a biologist, with the goal to re-green the plain and deserted areas. Despite the academic education, her work is mostly not research but practical: planting trees and fostering the new plantations. While planting, she works alone most times which is dangerous because of the permanent risk of being kidnapped. The ability to endure extreme environmental conditions and little needs to survive make this photosythesis-human-mutation the perfect "clean and cheap" energy source. Illegal companies kidnap the people, implant docking stations and charge energy from these life-forms in an abusive way.

Zeeda was kidnapped twice already but managed to escape in both cases. After the second time, she got into policy to strenghten the rights of photosynthesiskind and environmental awareness (which leads to even more trouble...)

A more detailed story and ref will be added soon, after I revamped this idea I made long time ago...