


3 years, 4 months ago


Deep within the forest is the small town of Varhas, where the protection of the King's Guard no longer reaches. The King has long thought the town abandoned what with all the monsters prowling around in the forest, yet this town still stands, protected by another force entirely. Here, a child walks hand in hand with a small woman down the street. She's being delivered home after an attack on the Castle of Varhas. She is the safest she can be walking with this woman, and she chatters on as if a group of men hadn't stormed the Castle and nearly killed her.

  • vampire who protects a small town bc the king decided it cost too much money to keep guards out there
  • she protects the town in exchange for blood, but she never kills those she feeds from
  • bat hair clip is actually a demon familiar. it can take on the form of a man or a bat if it needs to
  • practices necromancy to bring her lovers back to talk
  • refuses to turn any of her lovers into vampires bc she believes her immortality is a curse
  • falls for a knight was was sent to rid the town of her

  • long purple hair tied in pigtails
  • very short, she was turned at a young age and only grew a little more after being turned (probably like 5'0")
  • age is ???? (she won't share)
  • pointed ears
  • reddish pink eyes
  • mole under her left (our right) eye