


9 years, 3 days ago



shy, kind, gentle, compassionate, crybaby, magical
Gnoobies are a plant species. Their feet are pointed at the ends, which digs lil holes in the floor as they walk so they can plant seeds. Their shoulders harbor either little saplings, or their flower (if they are a flowering species). Gnoobies have long since lost their ability to fly, and because of that, many have evolved to not have wings at all. Those that still have wings (often hanging plant species) cannot actually fly with them. Their tails are long and thin, with a seed reservoir at the end. Gnoobies can have a secondary plant species (RARE), but their primary plant will always be the one on their shoulders and tail. Fungi are rare. All gnoobies have vitiligo, a condition that causes splotches of de-pigmentation in their skin. While their legs are wood, they can still bend (although they do creak a bit as they walk). Their hips jut out sharply where their wooden legs start. Male gnoobies have sharper angles around their calves, and where their flesh connects to their legs (females have softer contours).
ABOUTOona is a gnoobie so sweet that she is always accompanied by bees. Soft-spoken and shy, she enjoys beekeeping and gardening. Although Oona is nervous when first meeting people, she has a warm and compassionate soul. She resides in a forest grotto with her best friend, Gumbo, and her fondness for her friend makes her shine a little brighter. Oona is renowned for her gentle nature. Bees flock to her to groom their fur of leftover pollen at the end of a long, busy day. Her hands and tail nearly always drip with honey, which she uses to restore struggling beehives. Because she is kindhearted and wary of confrontation, she is sometimes bullied by other gnoobies and forest inhabitants.