Mythical Creature Sparkle



3 years, 8 months ago


“Awww! Your dog is cute and all, but does he have three heads? No? Then he isn’t as cool as mine...”

Full Name: Mythical Creature Sparkle

Nickname(s): Myth, “Creature” (Valentine; she’s a huge d*ck tbh)

Species: Human (would be a Pegasus in the pony world)

Gender: Cisgender Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 17

Parents: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer Sparkle, and Fluttershy Sparkle

Sibling(s): N/A

Partner: Sparrow Song Daisy-Pie (Boyfriend)

Personality: Intuitive, kindhearted, intelligent, creative (she even draws detailed pictures and diagrams of each species she studies), and curious (upon learning of Sunset’s “Equestrian origins,” Myth spent months learning all she could about this mysterious other world of friendship and magic).

Fatal Flaws: Socially-awkward, inflexible, lacking in self-confidence/worth, prone to easily zoning out or dissociating (leading her to constantly ask her peers to repeat themselves), and quick to accept the constant bullying and harassment from her classmate, Lovely Valentine, instead of standing up for herself.

Special Talent: If she were in the pony world, her special talent would be taming and caring for rare and mythical creatures. On her rare visits to Equestria, Myth spends most of her time inside Tartarus, studying the genetic makeup and behavior of the beasts within (while also, of course, stopping her research occasionally to play a round of fetch or two with her ol’ pal Cerberus).

Cutie Mark Story: N/A

Base - SelenaEde: