Xin Yang



3 years, 5 months ago



Acts Kind to others whom he recently met but he is actually defined as despicable, rude and cruel by those who have known him for a while. He usually also gets tired of acting all nice and will show his unpleasant attitude, and will be a jerk. Xin also has a sharp tongue and is honest about what he feels towards a person, especially to those he dislikes and likes to insult others with a kind looking smile on his face.

  • Dispicable
  • Rude
  • Cynical
  • Prideful
  • Yulia
  • Strong humans and demons
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Demons were known to be roaming around the world for a long time. But every powerful being was known to be defeated, may they be gods or demons. Demon slayers were known to be the ones who defeated them, but not all demons can be seen by the eyes of those who were not blessed with the sight. Aside from Demon Slayers, Exorcists and Priestesses were also known to vanquish the Demons that could not be seen by those who use the sword. Some demons like to boast their strength to frighten and kill those who are weak and could be slain by the slayers, while there are those that choose to hide their presence and place curses to kill more, which the exorcists and prietessess .

Xin is from a well known family of Exorcists. He is the only son and is the sole heir. Although he is known to be one of the best, he has no interest in using his talents to "save and protect" others. He couldn't care less. That is why he only chooses jobs where strong demons are present, and has a habit of collecting them instead.

  • Likes sweets.
  • Is not a morning person.
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Business Partners (?)
Yulia is Xin's Fiance, although Yulia has been disowned and ran away, Xin never agreed to break off their engagement even though his parents has begged him to do so. Xin is fascinated by her because he sees her as someone strong. He also thinks of her as "Entertainment" and a "play thing" because he described her as someone who is full of surprises. Although Yulia has a dislike for him, they still get in contact because he is a client of hers. They have a work relationship, but it is still unknown whether they actually have feelings for each other.


Character Name

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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis.Aliquam erat volutpat.

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