
P-Pretty fantasy man,, I care him,,

They're going to be a part of Riven and Coral's universe/story somehow, I'm making it happen. They're very pretty, and I adore them. I'll code up their profile once I have time and motivation. My current situation is pretty rough, so I'm not sure when that'll be, but still. As of now, I have some little personality info on them.

Zephyr is a wandering gambler of sorts. He's no stranger to bargaining, scavenging, and betting everything for his needs, and he is in fact quite well-known for his deal-making habits. He travels around constantly with no real goal in mind, aside from just wanting to have a good time. To put it gently, he flits around much like the wind, hopping from place to place on little whims. Thankfully for him, his personality matches with this lifestyle to a T. He is a charismatic, suave, and charming flirt with a deep love for people in general. He has a very quick tongue, and he knows just the right words to say to negotiate with just about anyone he comes across. He always keeps up a very playful demeanor, and will tease you on just about every occasion. He loves cracking jokes, and has a shockingly raunchy sense of humor at times. However, he knows when to rein himself in. He has a very big sense of "chill," and often just follows wherever the latest breeze decides to take him. He's generally a very neutral party in tense situations; he considers himself to be "morally uninhibited," so he doesn't feel obligations to take sides in conflict. He'd rather just observe. However, should it benefit him, he's more than willing to make allies. He's a huge opportunist, and will do just about anything it takes to keep things swaying in his favor. However, he does have his flaws. He has a bad tendency to procrastinate and put things that don't immediately interest him on the back burner, in a sense. He's incredibly cocky until he no longer has the upper hand, and he is no stranger to running as fast as he can to escape a bad scenario. His emotions are very fickle, and can change as easily as the wind. One second, he can be loving a person or situation, and the next he's uninterested and hating everything around him. These fickle emotions play into commitment issues of his; if he can't stay focused or stimulated somehow in the environment he's in, then it's very hard for him to stay committed. However, in the right circumstances, he can be a great ally to have around. He can even get surprisingly soft when he wants to... Not that he'd just openly admit that.

Zephyr remembers nothing from their past, and barely anything of their present. The earliest memory they have is of waking up under a big tree with the wind blowing by them, two guns by their sides and a feather tucked near their chest. They knew nothing of their name, their identity, or how they really came to get there. To this day, they don't really care enough to find out. Instead of worrying about their past, they decided their best bet was to focus on their present instead. They created a persona of the ideal person they wanted to be, and followed the breeze to find adventures out in the world. Donning the moniker of Zephyr Gale as tribute to the wind they so deeply care for, they began making a name for themself as a gambler many can recognize. While they may not remember much about who they used to be, they still do have skills that stemmed from what they assume to be past experience. In particular, they are fantastic when it comes to their guns. They wield dual pistols with ease, using their fast fire rate to their advantage in tripping up foes. The bullets in their guns are essentially highly concentrated magic, and can take on a variety of elemental effects as a result. From freezing to burning to paralysis to poisoning, their guns are able to afflict a variety of ailments; however, Zephyr tends to avoid all of that. Instead, they opt for keeping their bullets cemented with windy elemental effects. While their smaller bullets are great, they can also take gambles by using more energy in their guns. In doing so, they can get more powerful shots; however, these shots become slower, and can leave Zephyr open to attack should they rely too heavily on just power shots. Their guns aren't the only source of magic they have, though. They are also able to harness the wind itself, and know a good range of wind magic. They can bend the wind to their will and create just about anything their heart desires with it. They can propel themself through the air and fly about somewhat, create little cyclones to sweep foes off of their feet, and so much more. They often use this magic as a getaway trick should they be at a disadvantage, but they're also no stranger to putting it to use in more offensive ways.

Small trivia for now:
-Zephyr absolutely named himself, and he is well aware that his name is essentially just two different types of breeze smashed together. He just doesn't care all that much.
-He really likes nicknames, especially for himself. He lets people call him just about anything they wish. His top nicknames are Zeph and Zephie.
-His pronouns are pretty flexible! He and they are both acceptable, and he tends to gravitate toward masculine language when referring to himself. (If you're referring to him then you can really use either or. I'm not sure which I'm going to use for him the most as of yet, so right now I'm just switching off between "he" and "they" every paragraph. You don't have to do this, of course!)
-He is 100% the type of person to get cornered on a roof or cliff and just fall backwards all slick.
-He is chaos incarnate, but he often keeps it reined in just enough that no one can tell at first glance.
-While he has a very suave and charming vibe, it doesn't take long to realize that he has the potential to be a very huge dork at times. He tries his best though, he really does.
-He hates having his chest fully covered, and always has to have an opening in any shirts he wears. He is no stranger to just going completely shirtless, either. He's not sure why this is, but he doesn't really care to ponder on it too hard.
-The feather in his hat is the same feather that was on his chest when he woke up under the tree. He's kept a hold of it ever since, and there's a very tiny part of him that wonders where it must have come from. However, he doesn't really have much motivation to find out.
-He really loves birds, like a lot. Even just monsters that resemble birds in some way are blessed to him.
-He is no stranger to having casual flings, and in fact finds it pretty fun. However, there is some part of him that would like to find something more real one day. He's just a bit scared, knowing his commitment issues, and he feels that he would have to work on that if he ever wanted a shot at a solid relationship.
-He really loves using his wind magic to fly. Something about it is just riveting to him, and he feels his most free when he's in the air.
-He's sort of built like a noodle; he's very long and lithe, though he still has muscle to him. He's also very flexible and acrobatic, which only adds to his noodle-like status.
-While he's typically neutral, he's no stranger to actually making friends. He's likely done this with Coral and Riven (Or at least tried to with Riven haha), for instance. When he gets friendly with someone, he often likes hanging around with them and following them about places. However, he still follows his own beat a lot of the time.
-He NEVER shows his right eye, EVER. He doesn't know why it bugs him so much to do so, but he immediately gets very antsy whenever someone tries to get a look at it. He assumes it may be something to do with his past, but he doesn't really dwell on that too much.
-He's uhhhh very pretty and I love him,,