Maria Ariti



3 years, 4 months ago


Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Age 23
Sexuality Bi/Ace
Level 2
Class Cleric
Race Human
Alignment Chaotic Good
Profession Sailor

Maria Ariti

loyal courageous faithful stubborn inconspicuous

Maria is a Tempest Cleric of Valkur who has taken on a job to sail to the Tuhui Archipelago. While her contract says she much escort and protect a wealthy noble to the islands and back, she is also hoping to find her estranged sister who is rumored to be heading there herself.

As a sailor, she has visited many ports on the Sword Coast, and even some in the Moonshae Isles, but never something as legendary as Tuhui. Maria's love of the sea and her faith in Valkur give her a sense of courage that might just get her in trouble one of these days.