


7 years, 1 month ago


Aurias Flameweaver

Race Sovereign Demon
Age ???
Height 9' (274 cm)
Pronouns he/him
Orientation gay
Occupation outcast, former Executor
Location The Underworld, Lysaeus

Aurias is dour and somber, having a very negative outlook on most anything. He's very dry when it comes to humor and it's no small task to try and make him smile. Like any sovereign demon, he can be quite arrogant and prideful, something that remains unaffected by his catastrophic fall from grace. He is very solitary, and rarely engages with anybody outside his trusted circle.

Guilt and regret are his two biggest motivators; though the cause Aurias is championing is noble in purpose, it is almost entirely motivated by a selfish need to redeem himself and cleanse his conscience. He knows that any sort of truce between mortals and demons won't ever truly absolve him of the atrocities he has committed, but he feels that he has to try regardless.


  • Aurias is very, very fond of music--while he's fascinated with most everything mortals make that could be considered art, he has a special interest in music. One of his most prized possessions is an old music box, a relic from one of his prior conquests. Despite the negative memories associated with it, he's so enamored with the tune it plays that he can't bear to part with it.
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Aurias has a long and storied history, none of which he is proud of or eager to talk about. In his 'prime' as a sovereign demon, under the title of Executor, he commanded near-endless legions of demons, sending them all across reality, scorching and pillaging countless worlds. He had amassed quite a large amount of territory, power and riches for himself, and bloodthirsty as any demon, he had no intent to stop. As the millennia wore on, however, his enthusiasm for wanton destruction began to wane. His followers began to question him as he slowed down and eventually stopped sending them on any conquests. They had all been loyal to Aurias and eager to serve because he gave them things to consume and destroy--now that he was no longer doing so, and even refusing to answer their incessant questions and demands, quickly did the vast majority desert him in favor of a properly bloodthirsty commander.

Guilt was not something any demon is terribly familiar with, but Aurias began to feel it in its crushing entirety as he locked himself away inside his own domain. Other sovereigns and even some of the lesser castes of the demon hordes spoke in whispers of Aurias, the formerly indomitable warlord who had simply disappeared. These whispers were punctuated with mocking laughter and gossip, something that was only bolstered by rumors of sounds not unlike screams of pain and despair emanating from of Aurias' estate--the only sign of life that any had seen from that corner of the Underworld in some time. There was something uniquely entertaining about a mighty demon like Aurias acting like a foolish, impoverished mortal.

When Aurias re-emerged centuries later, speaking nonsense about how demons and mortals should coexist in peace, that they as a species were better than mindlessly murdering anything that moved, it only served to add fuel to the flames of the other demons' merriment. Other sovereigns took pity on Aurias, trying to talk him out of this foolish crusade, but even that had a mocking edge to it. It was abundantly clear that hardly a soul in the Underworld took him even remotely seriously, but Aurias refused to let this sway him. Others were right as they pointed out that Aurias had likely never even talked to a mortal before, but he refused to continue viewing mortals as nothing but fodder even if he knew nothing about them.

More privately, Aurias mourns all the mortals that are lost to demon hordes; he realizes that, unlike demons, mortals go about their short lives with purpose. They create art, form relationships, build wonders from nothing. Demons, however, don't seem to serve any purpose. He firmly believes that they are little more than a pox on all of creation, and the belief leaves him with a gnawing sense of loss and loneliness. In striving for a peace between demons and mortals, he hopes he might find a purpose to fill that void, if not for all of demon-king, then at least for himself.

After a chance meeting with Velarius, Aurias eventually finds his way to, and subsequently becomes trapped on, Lysaeus. It is here that he learns just how out of his depth he is when it comes to mortals, and he begins to feel more than a little lost.

