
Name: Shellia "Shelly" White

Nicknames: Shelly, Shell, Lia, Sheeya

Status: Alive

Gender: Female, she/her pronouns

Birthday: January 10th

Age: Adolescent (mentally 15)

Species: Tyrannosaurus Rex

Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic

Relatives: Strawberry (aunt)

Height: 2.75m/9ft

Weight: 3,000kg/6,613lbs

Personality: introverted, angry, edgy, grumpy, stubborn, hot-headed

Other information:

-Shelly is an adolescent T-Rex that lives in a small village along with her aunt, Strawberry

-she's an introverted teen and she mostly spends her time alone, listening to punk rock music and writing songs

-she works as a cashier at her aunt's coffee shop

-since her parents are away for a while, she has to stay with her aunt, Straw. She doesn't always get along with her aunt, mostly due to their completely opposite personalities, and sometimes might unintentionally cause trouble, Shelly does care for her aunt though, so while she might find her annoying sometimes, she does her best to behave

-Shelly is trying to work with her anger problems and Straw tries to help her in any way she can

-one of Shelly's grandparents is the sibling of Strawberry's father, which explains how Straw is related to Straw