πŸ¦… ⁞ Howahkan Λšβœ§β€§β‚Š



3 years, 5 months ago






The Courier Six | Shotgun | He/him | Temperance

Name Howahkan

Age 30 (start)
33 (end)

Birthdate 05/06/2251

Gender Cis male

Orientation Pansexual

Race Human / Cyborg / Lobotomite

Nationality Navajo Nation, Arizona, USA

Zodiac Gemini

Karma Very good

Height 1,85m
6'1 ft

Status Dating Joshua Graham

Role Courier / Guardian of Big MT

Location Zion / Lucky 38 / The Sink
  • Birds
  • Agave fruit
  • Traveling
  • Rude and/or inflexible people
  • Traveling alone
  • Conflict

Howahkan is warm-hearted and loves to take care of his people. Wherever he passes by, people are influenced by him to be better.

While he's an introvert, he enjoys talking and interacting with people. Howahkan is an observer and pays a lot of attention to other people. He's very good at remembering details and will hardly forget someone's name.

When dealing with life struggles, he will try to hide his emotions in order to avoid burdening others. It's easy to tell when something is wrong with him, but is hard to understand what.

Howahkan has a very busy schedule. He will try to take care and help everyone all the time, sometimes sacrificing his own needs in order to ensure that other people are happy.

Howahkan will avoid conflict as much as possible but if he's forced to shoot, he will protect his loved ones as best as he can.


  • Howahkan was always very kind and forgiving, but the brain trauma after being shot twice contributed for him to be twice as friendly now.
  • He had prey birds since very young and continues to do so. Howahkan can't live without them.
  • Howahkan can play the harmonica very well.
  • If it wasn't for the many diaries he kept, he would never belive Ulysses about his travels.
Early life

Howahkan was born the son of the chief of a tribe in Arizona, who were very good at training prey birds. Since very young, he would travel with his mother to cities in order to make trades. In one of the many times he was out with his mother, when he was 12, they returned to their tribe taken by the Legion, so they left before the legionaries saw them. They managed to live in NCR territory for the years to come.


When he was around 18, he left his mother to find work, she died just some years after. Howahkan lived as a drifter who traveled over California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and on brahmin drives at the Big Circle, working as a courier. (No, he was never to Montana)

Howahkan was the only courier who was willing to repeatedly brave the storms that came from Big MT and delivered many packages to a settlement in Death Valley. That gave them hope and a connection to civilization, helping the settlement to thrive. The last package he delivered there, was technology that resulted in underground nuclear detonations after he left, creating the Divide.


In 2281, Howahkan was one of six couriers hired by the Mojave Express to deliver packages to the New Vegas Strip. Howahkan was carrying Mr. House's platinum chip, all the way from near Hub, California. On his way to Vegas, Howahkan was ambushed and shot twice in the head, left for dead in an unmarked grave in the Goodsprings Cemetery. Victor, one of Mr. House's securitrons, finds Howahkan and takes him to Doctor Mitchell.

A week passed and Howahkan makes a miraculous recovery, but lost his memories of most of his travels. Out of Doc Mitchell's house, after weeks of investigation, he learns that the man in the checkered-suit is Benny, leader of the Chairmen on the Strip.

After making his way into the New Vegas Strip, Howahkan is contacted by Mr. House and once the meeting is over, Howahkan heads to The Tops, where he presents to Swank all the proof he had gathered against Benny. Swank sends Benny to his room, where Howahkan tries to reason with Benny, but is once again attacked and kills Benny in defense. Howahkan recovers the platinum chip, but he isn't sure about giving it to Mr.House. After leaving the Tops. Howahkan starts to support the NCR.


In an attempt to empty his mind of everything that has happened and have some rest, Howahkan set out on a caravan expedition to Zion. Things go wrong when the caravan is ambushed and only Howahkan survived. Trying to find a way back to the Mojave, Howahkan gets involved in a war between tribes. He helps them solve their conflicts by helping Joshua Graham.


Back at home the next month, he was back at helping the NCR. He was able to broker a peace treaty with most factions but had to kill Mr.House.

The President of the New California Republic, was holding a speech for the troops and Hoover Dam. Ranger Grant, who was responsible for security at the event, asks Howahkan for help during the ceremony. There were attempts to assassinate President Kimball by the legion, all stopped by Howahkan. He gets his last assignment, to report to General Lee Oliver for preparing to take the fight to Caesar's Legion.

The Legion begins their attack on the Dam. Once fighting through the Legate's forces, with the help of all the allies he made, Howahkan came face to face with Legate Lanius. Lanius was defeated and the camp taken by the NCR. The battle ends there.

Howahkan goes back to the Lucky 38, eventually he went back to Zion in order to take his friend Max to live there, and to take Follows-Chalk to explore the civilization with him, and so they did for some months.


One day, listening to the radio on his pip-boy, he founds the Sierra Madre Broadcast radio signal. Following the signal to an abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker, Howahkan is knocked unconscious, waking up in the Villa without his items, his clothes changed and an explosive collar around his neck. He works alongside three other captured wastelanders to recover the treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino, trapping mother Elijah and coming back home with all the gold.


Some months after recovering from Sierra Madre, Howahkan receives a radio signal of a mysterious broadcast about an invitation to the Mojave Drive-in. After arriving with some friends, they find a satellite crashed. Howahkan is abducted to the Big Empty and experimented upon by the Think Tank. Waking up, he finds out that the Think Tank has removed and lost his brain. His heart and spine were removed too. Howahkan aids the Think Tank scientists in fighting Dr. Mobius, the scientist in possession of his brain.

Meeting Dr. Mobius, Howahkan learns that he is not actually evil, but has messed with the Think Tank in order to keep them from experimenting on the entire wasteland. After taking his brain back, he returns to the Think Tank and kills them in defense.


A few months after the coming back from the Divide, Howahkan gets a radio signal with coordinates from Ulysses. Out of pure curiosity, Howahkan follows the signal to the Canyon Wreckage, where Ulysses promises answers if the Courier takes one last job leads them into the great depths of the Divide. Ulysses and Howahkan make peace and the missile launch is canceled.


Coming back home from the Divide, the Courier now lives in Zion with Joshua, but travels to the Mojave, the Big Empty and the Divide sometimes.


  • Strength 6
  • Perception 10
  • Endurance 8
  • Charisma 10 (+)
  • Intelligence 7
  • Agility 10
  • Luck 7
  • Riot shotgun
  • Sturdy caravan shotgun
  • Maria (9mm pistol)
  • A Light Shining in Darkness (.45 auto pistol)
  • K9000 Cyberdog Gun
  • Red Glare (Rocket launcher)
  • Blood-Nap (Bowie knife)
Tag skills

Guns / Speech / Survival / Repair

Forgiveness for Their Sins

Since Howahkan got shot in the head, wherever he passes by, people are influenced by his kindness and forgiveness. After leaving dialogue, some foes will flee or surrender at the sight of him, regretting their own evil behavior.

Game perks
  • Rapid Reload 1/1
  • Ferocious Loyalty 1/1
  • Shotgun Surgeon 1/1
  • Quick Draw 1/1
  • Animal Friend 2/2
  • And Stay Back 1/1
  • Tribal Wisdom 1/1
  • Home on the Range 1/1
  • Divide Survivor 1/1
  • Tag! 1/1
  • New California Republic / Followers of the Apocalypse / Goodsprings / Kings / Freeside / Novac
    • Positive / Idolized
  • Caesar's Legion / Fiends / Jackals / Vipers / Scorpions / White Legs / (raiders, in general)
    • Negative / Vilified
  • Sorrows / Dead Horses
    • Positive / Idolized
    • Member as Hunter

