Basic Info



name meaning

the bird or the fruit










Loves both his namesakes - the fruit and the bird. 

While he's certainly not the most interesting or the smartest member of his 'family' in the mighty flying circus, Kiwi likes to consider himself as the glue that keeps the crazy bunch of Silvarians together. Caspian isn't the best leader, no matter what the lion might think, and there's quite a few arguments

and problems that he doesn't know how to solve. Luckily, that's where Kiwi comes in. The bright green magician has a very simple, kind heart, and he's always the one bringing peace back to his friends simply by his caring presence and optimistic outlook on things.

Kiwi is on the larger side for sure, being almost as large as Caspian himself (for a simple domestic feline, albeit a green one, that's quite impressive). He tends to tower over most of the other circus members and when he sits down in the spacious hot air balloon's secret inner space (it's bigger on the inside, what did you expect?) the whole balloon jolts to the side for one terrifying moment. At least, it used to be terrifying. Now it's mostly just annoying. But the other word sounded better.

And if the circus's leader doesn't know what half the words he says mean, you can bet that Kiwi understands even less. He often gets confused by phrases and idioms and super long words, and when Cap is talking he has no clue what's going on. He gave up trying to figure it out a long time ago.

"The strength of their glow often reflects their health as well; a healthy kitani's glow would be radiant and
luminous, whereas a weak, injured, or mentally unwell kitani's glow would be rather dull, and might even
flicker from time to time. When a Kitani dies, their light actually fades away altogether."