Kyrie (Kyrie's True Form)



Kyrie's true form stands at about 12 feet tall, retaining a humanoid and feminine shape; those two points seem to be the only things that have been retained after this form has been tapped into. His skin is now a deathly white, but the marks of his freckles have become like smoldering coals upon his skin, sometimes black and sometimes glowing a bright orange.

His horns are now full-fledged ram's horns, and thanks to his size, could easily take out a car with only some force. His ears have lengthened, each as long as his head with both mouths open is tall. His teeth, too, are actual fangs that could rip even metal.

His face has changed drastically as well; a second mouth has formed under his existing one, and the only eye upon his face is a large singular gold one with black sclera, which takes up half of his face. The scar over his left eye remains where it would have been, a reminder of who he once was. His red hair is still present, tumbling down his shoulders thanks to the lack of restraint given to it after many years.

He has also gained two sets of extra arms, and all of his hands have developed claws. Three pairs of wings, the right side's white and feathered, the left's black and leathery, have sprouted from his back. A long black tail has developed as well, one thick enough to crush a car with as well, while being equivalent in length to his height.

His bust hasn't changed much, proportionally, although his nipples and crotch area are both unseen. It's almost as if he chooses to censor these things from sight, but would you really ask him about it? No? Didn't think so.

Despite these changes in his appearance, his voice doesn't seem too affected; he appears to have continued speaking despite this change, likely to keep himself somewhat tethered to Earth or even to his own preferences. Angels and demons don't really know what to make of him, but if they aren't hostile, he has no reason to attack; additionally, he will still shelter humans within his territory.

Kyrie’s piercings have also adjusted to his form, becoming larger proportionally with his body. Whatever changes happened to him in this form seem to affect certain items.