Violet Spinel



3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info



Violet Spinel

Oh, there’re other gems like me alright! Although, we’re quite rare and aren’t made for stronger purposes like other gems.. mm, I’m actually not sure how many other Spinels are out there.

“Big-Top Bazaar"

  • Violet (everyone)
  • Lottie (Crystal Gems)




Gender Pronouns

~6,000 yrs.
Pale Lilac




Gem type

  • Jester (formerly)
  • Quartz Soldier entertainer (formerly)
  • Funland performer (presently)


Music Theme

Voice Actor

Violet is an Unaligned Gem who resides in Beach City on Earth.

She was created shortly after Spinel as a playmate for her and Pink. The Diamonds did so, because they believed that perhaps two Spinels would make Pink happy and keep her out of trouble. She was noticeably different than what the Diamonds were going for; she was smaller than the average Spinel, and weaker with her abilities. However, they still kept Violet as she could perform and entertain with no problem.

Violet has an alter ego, however, it’s not as insane or depressing as other Spinels. While Violet is usually very fun-loving and like a big sister to a lot of the younger/smaller gems, her alter ego is more boyish and risk taking, sometimes dragging herself or others into danger without realizing.


Violet is smaller than the average Spinel, and it's also led to her being weaker as well. She is around the same height as a Spinel, but about a foot smaller. When she was given her limb-enhancers, she was the height of a normal Spinel.

First Form

Violet's first form matched a style similar to Pink. Her dark purple hair was fluffier, and her outfit was the usual Court uniforms -but pink to match the Diamond she belonged to. Her shoes were similar to Spinel's, but smaller. She was given limb enhancers to help her reach the accepted height as a Spinel.

First Regeneration (Homeworld)

Violet’s first poof and regeneration was a result from stepping out of line with Blue after the Rebellion started.

When she reformed, her appearance was difference and was similar to her current regeneration. She reformed with messier hair, a messy bun, and a ringmaster-style outfit, which donned the symbol of Blue Diamond’s Court.

Current Regeneration (Earth)

Violet’s last regeneration which happened shortly after she arrived on Earth when escaping Homeworld, with a few off-colors.

Her outfit was still the same, but her shorts were replaced with pants and her hair was fluffier, much like so when she still belonged to Pink.


While Spinels are assumed to be carefree, fun-loving, and sweet, Violet is far from that. She does tend to hold grudges and forget things sometimes, and can be a bit abrasive when provoked. She doesn't mind getting dirty or attempting to do things that only stronger gems were allowed to do, and loves getting herself into all types of trouble.

However, that’s what allows her to get along well with the Quartz and Amethyst Soldiers on Homeworld. She shares a similar personality as most of them, and loves to wreck things for fun sometimes.

Some Gems have spread rumors that her first regeneration was actually the cause of her attempting to do the job of a Soldier.


Violet was created as an attempt to keep Pink Diamond from getting too out of line with her boredom, and as a playmate for Spinel. Her gem nearly cracked during incubation, and it resulted in her being smaller and weaker. The other Diamonds were originally going to shatter her and start over from scratch, but they kept her as she could still perform her role quite well.

She was given limb-enhancers to make her taller, but that still couldn't fix the fact that she was weaker when it came to some of her abilities. She spent most of her time following Pink and her Pearl around as she was ordered to by the other Diamonds, but not too much. She knew Pink needed space sometimes, and when those moments came, she would go to Pink's garden. There, she would play with Spinel and keep her company, too.

Eventually, Pink was to receive her first colony, and it was then that she had left her two Spinels behind. Violet was ordered to entertain Pink’s soldiers, while Spinel got the rough end of it. Violet tried to visit Spinel and get her to play a few times, but she soon gave up and Spinel wouldn’t dare to budge.

When Pink was shattered, Violet was moved to Blue’s Court, where she was ordered to still entertain the soldiers, and even Blue Diamond herself sometimes. However, at some point, Violet was overwhelmed with all the new soldiers and attempted asked Blue if she could switch over to something else. Blue denied Violet’s request, which resulted in an outburst and rejuvenation.

When Violet reformed, she lost all memories of Pink, Spinel, and the Rebellion, and even the shattering of Pink. She was given to Seafoam, a Sapphire in Blue’s Court. Blue Diamond hoped that it wouldn’t result in anymore “inspired” outbursts.

Violet did her best to always put a smile on Seafoam’s face, and the two became so close they started to fuse in secret, and Violet ended up regaining some of her memories. Sooner or later, the two were caught fusing by a Bumblebee Jasper, and they fled by sneaking on a ship that was headed towards Earth.

The two landed not far from Beach City, which is where they decided to go. They have never met humans before, but Violet remembered Pink talking about them. The two disguised themselves as humans for a short while.

At some point they met the remaining Crystal Gems, who had mistook them as humans at first until Violet and Seafoam showed them their gems. Although they never exactly allied with the Crystal Gems, they grew somewhat close with the group, and tried to fit in with human society.

Around the events of the show Violet became an entertainer at Funland, and met Steven when he was checking the place out. She developed a sibling-type relationship with him, sometimes referring to him as “little bro,” and trying to keep him out of trouble.

At some point during the events of Steven Universe: Future, she reunited with the Diamonds. At first the Diamonds didn’t recognize her, as her appearance had changed so much since she was last on Homeworld, but they welcomed her with open arms.

When she reunited with Spinel, it was awkward. The two didn’t really know what to say, whether or not if they should mention Pink -or the garden for that matter- and it seemed as if so much has changed since they’ve last seen each other.

The two tried to get along and reconnect by visiting the Garden and trying to help it spring back to life, but it was no use. Pink’s Garden was too much of a suffocating atmosphere for the both of them, so they ended up spending their time with Spinel showing Violet around Homeworld, and how everything changed.


Violet possesses standard Gem abilities, such as shapeshifting, fusion, regeneration, and bubbling. However, her weakness limits a few of these abilities. She can't shapeshift or fuse for too long, or her gem could potentially crack from the pressure.



  • Puzzle Solving: Unlike majority of Spinels, Violet is super efficient at solving puzzles, and seems to share similar knowledge to higher ranking Gems. Seafoam assumes she must’ve incubated too close to a few higher rank Gems, and absorbed the same resources as them.

Unique Abilities

  • Elasticity: Violet can extend and inflate her limbs, but only to a certain extent as it drains her Gem.
  • Twister Dash: She can dash in the style of a twister, but she rarely ever uses this ability.



Violet was shy around Spinel at first, and preferred to stick closer to Pink instead for awhile. She eventually warmed up to Spinel though, and the two became really close.

Pink Diamond

Like any other Gem, Violet was loyal and respected her Diamond greatly. She always followed orders and did her job well. When she wasn’t playing with Spinel in the Garden, she was following Pink Diamond around, trying her best to entertain Pink while she worked.

Blue Diamond

Violet was moved to Blue’s Court after Pink’s shattering. She respected Blue and was loyal to her after switching Courts.

Crystal Gems

Violet met the Crystal Gems shortly after arriving in Beach City. She never really allied with them though, as she prefers to be independent and do things herself.


  • Her debut episode is called “Big-Top Bazaar,” in which she meets Steven for the first time and becomes friends with him. During this time, she tells him about her experiences on Homeworld, and her meeting with the Crystal Gems.
  • The Spinel gemstone in real life is said to revitalize the wearer, and to help de-stress and re-energize themselves in all aspects.
    • Violet Spinels specifically are said to help with the Intuition chakra.
    • Considering how Violet seems to have developed a lot more knowledge and a knack for problem solving unlike most Spinels, it fits her perfectly well.


Image Description
Violet Spinel's gem is located on her navel. It's faceted and heart-shaped. It's smaller and much more fragile than standard Spinel gemstones.

Code by ThatBat