Hemingway Daiquiri



3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Daiquiri Clan




Hemingway Daiquiri

Ultimate Tattoo Artist

  • Name Hemingway Daiquiri
  • Age 27
  • Height 6'1"
  • Relationship Status Single
  • Occupation Club Bouncer/Tattoo Artist
  • Ethnicity Spaniard
  • Sexuality Closeted Homosexual
  • Voice Claim Hatsuharu Sohma: Fruits Basket 2019 (ENG)
  • Personality

    A stoic, often temperamental man that only gets in conversations that end up benefiting him, be it in the result of payment or personal gain. Unlike his siblings, he tends to stray away from the limelight that follows his family 24/7, and has a general distaste for fame and the responsibilities that come along with it. He tries to keep a serious persona on for those he doesn't know, but he has a tendency to snap pretty easily in moments that his sister calls 'evolved tantrums'.

    Art by: MillyBunBunnilly

  • Appearance

    Although the smallest overall of the triplets, Hemingway is still a fairly tall and well built man that edges just above six feet tall. He wears a plum purple shirt that has the sleeves clumsily torn off, and similarly ragged black jeans, topping it with an old brownish vest that has a single pocket. He has purple and black boots, black gloves that only cover his middle and ring fingers, and a silver chained collar around his neck that bears a resemblance to his brother's. His hair is tied back and white with the bangs and certain underparts dyed light brown, his eyes are a pale purple, and he has a lip piercing in addition to three metal studs above his cut eyebrow. There's a winding snake tattoo that takes up the majority of both arms and his upper chest.

  • Likes Decorative Knives, Ink Paintings, Lavender Tea, Snakes, VHS Animation
  • Dislikes Pop Punk, Tryhards, White Chocolate, Fruity Drinks, Bubblegum
  • Backstory

    A man raised on the streets for a chunk of his life with his brother and sister. Near death at the age of 13, they were taken in by a strange woman named Adelaide and her younger sister Viatrix. Once his natural talent of artistry was noticed by his new foster mother, he was raised to hone his ability and found his passion in putting his designs on the most permanent canvas of all time.

  • Trivia
    • ● He's very selective of who he talks with. If you can make it through your inking session without saying more than 15 words he'll give you a discount. How much? He decides.
    • ● Despite being the one who works the least, he's the most frugal in his family. While his siblings tend to throw their money in every direction, he'll haggle his way around anything from a shiny silver ring to a single apple.
    • ● He's the best cook in the family, much to his sister's chagrin. He actually has a fondness for sweets, so he tends to bake as often as he can to keep his skills sharp.
    • ● He's a strong believer in meditation. If the day's going south and he feels like he's going to completely snap, he disappears into his room and meditates silently in a room full of lavender incense. The peace and quiet works every time.
    • ● He's a huge stupid fuckin sci-fi nerd, espceially when it comes to 80's animation. At a young age he would collect old VHS tapes of anime shows and watch them on a cheap box TV he had been gifted from an old neighbor. Dirty Pair remains one of his all time favorites, no he will not apologize.
    • ● He's left handed! It shouldn't surprise many people, and yet it does.
  • Cherry Daiquiri Sister

    The origin of the legendary nickname 'Hemmy'. She claims it was an accident that that knowledge got out into the public, but I didn't miss the fact it happened right after I accidentally tore one of her favorite dresses. Despite being the pettiest woman on Earth, she's somehow even more protective than Derby...and hugs a lot fuckin more too.

  • Derby Daiquiri Brother

    Someone put this numbskull in charge and actually thought it was a good idea. If only they knew how long it took him to learn basic division when we were kids. Sure he leads fine, I guess. We haven't gone flat broke yet, but I'm tired of him constantly bringing that white haired geezer over to the house. Get better taste in men.

  • Angelo Ultimate Romance Author

    Annoying...he always makes things so complicated. And he's loud.

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