Melody Nunez



3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Melody Nunez

Age: 21 / 77 / 578

Pronouns: Ve/ver/vers

History: Around 60 years ago, Melody ran ver own FM radio station, Nexus Naught, where ve broadcasted the fact that ver friend Kelly had gone missing. After pledging to look into Kelly's disappearance, Melody was never seen again. Ve was also transported to limbo, after Kelly didn't want to be alone.

Appearance: Melody is an imposing figure at first, standing somewhere in the range of 6 feet tall. Ver hair is unevenly cut and a very pale green, matching the dark desaturation of ver skin. Ver eyes are a solid, vibrant cyan. Ver mouth defaults to a crooked look of wonder, ver nose matching by seeming to rest in a scrunched up position. Ve slouches perpetually, making ver seem much shorter and more tired than ve really is. Ve is moderately covered in spots of buzzing static: both hands, a patch on ver chin, and splotches consuming ver pant legs, only to name a few major ones.