Ethan Conrad



3 years, 3 months ago




name  Ethan Conrad
age 30 years old
Stats 5'8" / 160 lbs
Gendermale (he/him)
Sexuality   heterosexual
Nationality  american / dominican
residence castle bay, ireland
occupation retired musician
Character Summary

Pessimistic / Stylish / Flirtatious / Careless / Open / Social / Creative / Empathetic

personality .

Bad habits are the trademark of his personality, but the one that stands out the most is his lack of control when drinking. He's not an alcoholic who he drinks constantly, but when he does--it nevitably spirals into a binge and manic episode. He has a difficult time grasping that people can change, and tends to hold grudges longer than necessary. In line with this sentiment, he has a firm belief that people should be held accountable for their wrongdoings and make it up to the people they've hurt. This applies to him, but in his own mind he's a lost cause and struggles with whether or not he should bother with redemption. He sees himself as far worse of a person than he is.

When he isn't caught up in his own negativity and self destruction, Ethan is a people-pleaser and likes the performative side of show business. He's been out of the spotlight for a while now, but still enjoys reading the tabloids and seeing what his old flames are up to. He won't run from the press himself either, though on his worse days he puts up a front and avoids letting his reputation suffer too much. The old news stories still get to him, particularly the ones covering his divorce. 

At his core, Ethan is an honest person and resents being lied to above anything else. This applies to direct or indirect deception, though the latter tends to hit him worse. He also can't stand talking around an issue, and would rather have things out in the open from the start. That is, unless the issue pertains to him or requires him to take fault for it. Self-sabatauge is a common theme in Ethan's decision making, and is where most of his bad behavior stems from. When he's not actively trying to make things worse he's motivated by a need to prove himself and help people when he can't help himself. He's surprisingly empathetic, although it really isn't that surprising when you get to know him. He legitimately wants to help people, even though he can have a black-and-white view on the morality of certain things. If you need a shoulder to cry on, he'll be there, but he wont be shy asking you to avoid crying on his new shirt.

physical traits .

He'll be the last to point it out, but his hair is starting to gray at the roots, and he has persistent bags under his eyes. Also worth mentioning are the few freckles he has on his face and back, though he avoids the sun enough to prevent any more. His hair has grown out with his beard, but he can't be bothered to correct either and says he's trying a new "look." He was once well-built, but now has a bit of a stomach ever since he's started neglecting his exercise routine. That, and the fact his diet seems to rely entirely on the krispy kreme drive through menu. His height is average and unremarkable, like most of his other features, though he does carry himself with a certain swagger that makes him stand out. 


  • While on tour, he dabbled in a few celebrity relationships, but nothing that lasted more than the tour itself. He's always been the type to get in quick and get out quicker, but would legitimately want something long-term if he found the right girl. Well, the real problem is that he did, and he messed it up only after moving to Europe for her. 
  • TBD
  • TBD 
  • TBD 
  • TBD

  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
Origin & history

backstory .
Ethan was born in music city itself, and grew up with the expectation to become a country music star. His only competition was literally every other child in town, who's parents had the same idea. Unsurprisingly, he never made it big, but he did manage some notoriety from his relationships with those who did. He was always more of a sideshow, but one that was interesting enough to make the front page of tabloids. 

In his parents efforts to promote his cowboy image, Ethan has taken riding lessons from a young age and participated in a variety of western events. It was meant to be mostly for show, but he enjoyed the scene for a while before things begun to get serious. He was intimidated by the expectations and torn between what he wanted to pursue career-wise. In the end, he chose neither, quitting both rising and professional music. The latter may have been a lost cause, but most people can agree Ethan had the potential to make it big in the show ring. 

family .
His parents live in the U.S. and currently reside in Nashville. When he hit it off with the supposed love of his life, he sent them the news and stayed in Scotland, later moving to Ireland with his newlywed Fiona. His family reluctantly supports his nomadic lifestyle, being the ones who got him into the music industry, but his mother is more traditional and wishes he would come home. 

education .
He never went to college, but graduated highschool.

occupation .
He tags along on tours as a guitar player from time to time, but prefers to stay local and play at small gigs. He also had a promising career in western riding, but bailed on the professional scene shortly after stepping onto it. Nowadays, he only teaches occasional lessons at CBEC when he's bothered enough, or needs quick money to cover rent. He's not as rich as he used to be, that's for sure.

residence .
At any point, he could move into one of the spare lodgings at CBEC, but stubbornly rents out an apartment to distance himself from the riding scene, and his ex wife. 
