


3 years, 4 months ago



Name Bishop Hale
Pronouns He / Him
Age 24
Birthdate April, 29th
Height 5' 00" / 152 cm.
Weight 160 lbs. / 73 kg.
License No. #002351
Level 1
Species Smeargle
Typing Normal
Profession Classical Artist/ Unlemployed
Theme Envy Green


  • Warm, Dry concrete
  • The color cerulean
  • Bagels with creamcheese and alfalfa sprouts
  • Painting portraits


  • Wet, cold concrete
  • Running out of paint
  • Sour fruits and tastes
  • having to ask for more of something

Stats and Inventory

HP/CON 72 {-1}
SP.ATK/CHA 37 {-3}
ATK/STR 40 {-3}
SP.DEF/INT 61 {-1}
DEF/WIS 51 {-2}
SPD/DEX 93 {+0}

Ability | Own Tempo

This Pokémon has its own tempo, and that prevents it from becoming confused.

Normal | Sketch

Permanently copies the opponent's last move.

Normal | Sketch

Permanently copies the opponent's last move.

Normal | Sketch

Permanently copies the opponent's last move.

Normal | Sketch

Permanently copies the opponent's last move.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

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Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.


Bishop is a wandering soul that can be found meandering just about everywhere in Marilos. From being perched on tops of cliffs to sitting on sidewalks painting, he's never seen without his backpack and his art supplies nearby.


Adventurous | Generous | Resourceful

Living on the streets has taught Bishop many things, from self-agency with making sure his needs are being met, to really appreciating small acts of kindness when he recieves them. He has learned most to pay things forward when possible- friendship can do a whole lot more for you than a whole stack of granola bars. Sharing builds connection and connection builds possibilities. The most rewarding part of his life are all the things he never thought he'd be able to do or see- and his sense of adventure has never dulled even once on his journey.

Big-thinking | Unhurried

Bishop's always been an abitious kid, and sometimes his ideas are great, but sometimes they're just a bit too far out of reach. In his pursuit to achieve his dreams, he'll reach as far as he can until he slips and tumbles. This thinking however is never thought too critically on, as his relaxed nature about things happening usually keeps him from worrying that he won't reach his goals. More of a breezy type, he doesn't seem in too much of a rush to get to where he's going, more concerned about the journey rather than the destination.

Timid | Superstitious | Insecure

Being homeless and learning that the world is a bit of a rough place, Bishop is fairly hesitant to let just anyone waltz in and settle into his life. He's constantly on the move and knows that to get by, he may need to do things that aren't technically allowed. Squatting in places where he isn't allowed to be to sleep is often the biggest offence, but as long as he's hidden well enough, he needn't worry. His morning rituals are important to him to keep on track and often his predictor of how well the day is going to be- if he makes tea and the teabag breaks, he often won't stop until he recieves a 'better sign' to let him know that he can relax. The insecurities of his situation, often make him hesitant to talk about more personal matters.


Bishop is a starving artist who’s travelled the countryside pursuing his dream. Having been kicked out of his family home in his teen years, he has lived hand to mouth for much of his late teens and adult life. Growing up in an impoverished town meant that there weren't many opportunities available and life felt relatively bleak. He developed an interest in art, but his parents did not support this dream, citing it as unstable and a waste of time. He fought with his parents to try and win their support but after months of arguing he pushed the envelope too far and he found himself severed from their support. They refused to be a part of the plan he hatched to go to college to further his talents.

Packing up a bag, at 17 he ran away from home to pursue his education. Unable to afford to actually pay for the credits in class, he sat in the back of the room of a teacher who felt sympathetic to his plight after they confronted Bishop’s habit of sitting in on free lectures. Spending a few years working under the teacher, he earned the schooling he needed to move on.

Moving to Marilos was less of a plan and more just where he ended up. Living off the money that painting made him meant that every penny must be savored, and he knew he had to take the chance when a cheap ferry ticket landed within grasp. Ever since arriving in the Marilos region, he’s spent his days painting the sights and sleeping wherever he can manage to squeeze. The weather has been forgiving enough to allow him the luxury of enjoying the sights beneath the stars on many nights and to camp on the beaches. The ability to pitch his easel on the side of the road to paint scenic views has to be what keeps him there, selling art to tourists who come to visit makes it profitable, even if it’s for a meager existence. He hopes his art can inspire others to see that wealth and excess does not outdo the beauty of the simpler things.



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