
3 years, 4 months ago



Name Nash Chandler Montana
Pronouns He / Him
Age 32
Birthdate August 20th
Height 6'10" / 208 cm
Weight 430lbs. / 195 kg.
License No. #001282
Level 3
Species Tauros
Typing Normal
Profession Berry Rancher / Brewer


  • Hot fireplaces
  • Bulk berry whiskey and Ganlon wine
  • Misty, early mornings
  • Playing the guitar


  • Being inturrupted
  • Busy city streets
  • Touchy people
  • The idea of being vulnerable

Stats and Inventory

HP/CON 102 {+1}
SP.ATK/CHA 40 {-3}
ATK/STR 122 {+2}
SP.DEF/INT 90 {+0}
DEF/WIS 115 {+1}
SPD/DEX 130 {+2}

Ability | Anger Point

Anger Point raises the ability-bearer's Attack to its maximum level - +6 stages or 4× usual power - when a move targeting it receives a critical hit.


The user charges at the target using every bit of its power. The user must rest on the next turn.


A reckless, life-risking tackle in which the user rushes the target. This also damages the user quite a lot.


A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. This also damages the user a little.


The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

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Battle Item | Battle Item Name

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Contest Item | Contest Item Name

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Contest Item | Contest Item Name

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Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Nash, or Mr.Montana, is a local brewer who's family's been in the business in the Marilos reigon for at least two generations. He's known to show up at the farmer's market peddling his family's patent special brew of Berry wines and ciders as well as baskets of fresh berries, jams and jellies. He's not the friendliest or most approachable, but he's a relatively gentle giant who just wants to get by.


Disciplined | Hardworking | Modest

Nash, having grown up on his family homestead has learned from a young age that work must come first before play. There are things that must get done to ensure the livlihood of yourself and to get food on the table. His father wasn't shy to allow him to learn that hard work is rewarded with play, but there's a certain joy that Nash takes in honoring his day-to-day life and the tasks that make up his usual routine. When gawked at for the business of his simple life, he simply remarks that it's the only way he knows.

Reserved | Stubborn

The man is a tough cookie to read. His father struggled to raise him from time to time, teaching the boy the touch of awkwardness that comes with showing affection through physical or verbal means. While he's prone to turning red in anger, he's not the most vocal about his needs and will do his best not to let his struggles bleed into the lives of others. If he feels so much as someone pulling him away from what he percieves as his goals, he is quick to dig his heels in in protest. You may bring the water to him, but the high chance is that even with it in front of him, he will refuse to simply drink.

Hidebound | Irritable | Asocial

So set in his ways, as to be completely bound to his routine, Nash gets unapologetically irritated when things change unpredictably. He has a way he likes things done, and as far as he is concerned, this way is the only way. He has scared off a number of potential friends with this domineering behavior before, and he knows it doesn't look good, but he refuses to accept that change might be for the better. For that reason, he keeps to himself, not wanting to offend or harp on people who may just wish to offer him help.


Born in the region of Marilos, Nash was raised by his father after his mother passed away due to underlying illness when he was only a couple years old. He was a rowdy boy who was often a troublemaker for his busy father. The two had a tough relationship, but it wasn’t short of headpats and awkward half-hugs from his father. Homeschooled through his adolescence, Nash was expected to help out on the ranch and learn his father’s berry growing trade, so that was often what was taught to him through the latter years of his youth rather than going to public school. He was never the brightest bulb in the room, but he sure had the sharpest tools in the shed.

Nash wasn’t able to learn some of the social skills his peers had learned in their adolescence, and was occasionally ostracised for his blunt and often abrasive behavior. He had quite a hard time making friends, and that was often a point of contention between him and his father, who wanted him to ‘grow up’ and learn to socialize. It was far easier said than done, and as his father aged, eventually the family brewing business was passed onto Nash as his father’s health began to decline.

ntering young adulthood, Nash saw to it that he tried to help boost the family business. His father was in home-care and Nash didn’t want him to be lying on his deathbed fearing for the loss of his life’s work. He had already lost his mother- and he had no grasp on how long his father would remain stable. That year for the young tauros was spent sucking up his pride and doing the things he said he wouldn’t, taking himself to the markets and building rapport with the local businesses his father had kindled relationships with. He wasn’t the most charming man, but Nash gave it his all to ensure that he could do it alone. His father wasn’t going to be with him forever, and sure enough he was able to hang in a few more years to see his son succeed him. Nash won a couple of awards for the beers and ciders they had made with fruit they cultivated in his youth, showing pride and thankfulness to his father for what he had taught him.

The winter of that same year, Nash found himself alone on his ranch returning to his duties with an empty room in his family home and a cold spot on the recliner where his father used to read to him.

Since then, Nash has continued to build his client base, striving in pride on his creations and harvests, wishing to provide to the community fine berries and spirits.



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