
Jimmy Cricket

the leafy skipper 


Full Name:James Cricketskip
Nickname:  Jimy, Cricket, Jimbo, Skippy
Gender: Tomcat
Breed:       Nature Spirt Fairy Cat / Fire Deer Cat / Angel Cat / Cloudy Plant Mercat
Role: Heir to Fairybrooke clan  

Young mister Cricketskip is the son of the leaders of Fairybrooke clan but that doesn't mean he doesn't love adventure and getting down and dirty, heir or not. As a kit he loved getting into all sorts of trouble (and getting lost) exploring and going farther then he ever went the next day.  He loves seeing new sights, meeting new animals and if he sees danger running into it.  He prefers just going by Jimmy and is alot more down to earth then most leader's first born son. He'd love the life of a common rouge but still feels responsibly and respect to his family. As he grows he becomes less reckless but still has the heart of an adventurer. 

Size:   On the small side  
Fur Type:  His mane is  moist soft       seafoam clouds, the green and teal parts of his body are more aquatic slipper and smooth. His fur is soft but always wet.
Plant Life:  All sorts of leaves and flora matter grow on his pelt
Whiskers:  Highly sensitive 'sensor' leaves on his face  act as whispers, they can detect oncoming danger, changes in the air or water 
Antenna:   Long buggy antenna with leaves growing on the tips
Wings:  Leaf Wings that fold neatly to back, but spread out they are quite large and powerful

Fully Aquatic:

   Just like his father,       Jimmy  can live underwater  both fresh or sea water. He swims quite well for not having any visible fins or a mer tail. He usually just walks on the bottom of the lake.  He is also fully able to walk around and breath air on land when he wishes.
Cloud Growth:

He never runs out of seafoam clouds. Unlimited amount of tiny clouds streaming off from his mane and tail. They are more solid then his father's seafoam. They don't vaporize into the air but float ontop the water like little cloudy 'hair balls'
Glow in the Dark: 

His spots can glow in the dark depths of the water, like a  deep sea creature if he swims low enough.

Created:   1/23/21 for a custom breedable design as trade on TH

Belonged to  Zombie-Echo 

Obtained: 4/15/21 as a gift to go along with his family

Art Value: 0.00
