


Basic Info



Tail's Name








Relationship Status


Sexual Orientation

Panromantic Demisexual


College Student and Fashion Model


Personality: Rayvenn can be known to be very complex with her emotions and personality. On most days, she is seen to be very bubbly, hyper and cheerful. Around people that she knows well, she has no problems speaking up and tends to chat very animatedly. When she meets new people or those that she isn't as familiar with, she tends to get more awkward and shy, not knowing how to act or talk around them. She doesn't like talking about her problems and will bottle them up until she literally has a break down. She hates the feeling of not being needed by others but doesn't like others to know. While she is slow to anger, she can explode when pushed to far resulting in her sometimes saying things that she later regrets. She does have a pervy side that she really only shows around her family and close friends while others don't believe that she could be anything but innocent. She has a natural mother hen attitude towards younger friends and family that can get a bit annoying at times, but she means well. While it doesn't happen often, she has been known to at times, hold a grudge against people, specifically to those that have hurt her over and over again. When this happens, it is very hard for her to be civil while having to interact with that person/people. 

When it comes to relationships, she likes to take it slow and see where it leads naturally. She loves being able to have alone time with her partner but also be able to hang out with her other friends as well. She doesn't mind a partner that likes to cuddle but she does like her personal space every now and then too. However, her partner must understand that she is a natural flirt to everybody and doesn't mean anything by it. She isn't very comfortable with PDA aside from the occasional hug and hand holding, though she will push past it in order to please her partner.




    - Anime and manga
    - Listening to music
    - Exotic animals
    - Fantasy and magical creatures/lore
    - Witchcraft
    - Learning about Celtic, Greek, and Nordic mythology

Haters of any kind
    - Bright light
    - Crowded places
    - Heights
    - Horror movies



  • Family: 
    • Gosugiru (KiraKitten) - Gosugiru is her older sister and are very close to each other. Rayvenn likes talking to her sister about anything and often asks for advice when it comes to literature. The two of them along with their older brother loves getting into trouble together. 
    • Savaric (NixieDrakos) - Savaric is Rayvenn's oldest sibling and only brother. Being the youngest out of the three, Savaric is very protective over her and Gosugiru. He doesn't tolerate others bullying or harassing Rayvenn. He along with Gosugiru love to cause mayhem and chaos with Rayvenn while keeping an eye on her.   
  • Significant other:
  • Best friend:
    • Deliria (TheShatteredParadox) - These two make the unlikelest of friends due to their complete opposite natures. That being said, they get along very well, Deliria encouraging Rayvenn to get out of her shell.  
  • Friends: 
    • Astaroth (EternalBlaze147/Space-Nexus) - The two of them have a pretty good relationship going for them. Rayvenn tends to act like a mother hen towards him as he gets nervous and shy around others. She finds him to be adorable when he makes puns and gets embarrassed immediately afterwards. She does like to play with his hair because of how long it is and all of the pretty colors it has. 
    • Mirabell (ari-gator) - Rayvenn and Mirabell have a close friendship that started due to their shared love of anime and manga. When they hang out together, Rayvenn loves trying all of Mira's pastries and snuggling on the couch with stuffed animals watching anime.