The Silver Code



3 years, 3 months ago


"00 the silver code Preview:

code downloads




You can write a summary of the character here. Any information about there personality, likes/dislikes, occupation hobbies, etc. can be explained a bit within a few paragraphs under this section.

Feel free to add more paragraph breaks, as this section will scroll after a certain point!

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé cake jujubes chocolate cake. Pie chocolate pastry. Marzipan biscuit pastry tiramisu candy canes donut brownie. Cotton candy dessert cake ice cream. Chocolate pudding donut lemon drops donut chocolate bonbon cotton candy carrot cake. Bear claw brownie cake. Cupcake muffin candy fruitcake jujubes. Biscuit soufflé biscuit cookie lemon drops caramels tart jelly-o pudding.

Full name

  • Age age
  • Gender gender
  • Occupation job title
  • Height height
  • Weight weight
  • Birthdate date of birth
  • Alignment alignment
  • Status homing status
  • Theme Song Title and Artist




Fill this space up with all the fun information about your character's past (or anything, really). This won't scroll, but feel free to make it pretty large. It's meant to look like one of those long exposition boxes in the game, anyway.
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet cake tiramisu lollipop sesame snaps toffee chupa chups. Lemon drops chocolate carrot cake pastry fruitcake muffin oat cake. Lemon drops bear claw cake sweet toffee. Tart gummies candy jelly-o. Jelly bonbon biscuit halvah wafer cupcake danish. Ice cream dessert chupa chups. Gummies oat cake oat cake lollipop tiramisu danish chocolate cake pie. Jelly gingerbread cheesecake. Dragée candy croissant cupcake fruitcake chocolate cake sweet roll tootsie roll danish. Topping jelly beans lemon drops chupa chups cookie cheesecake caramels jujubes cheesec



  • Fill this section with helpful (or useless) trivia about your OC.
  • Stuff like "loves Mont Blanc!"
  • "Only slurps his soup"
  • or "is a Capricorn" will work perfectly.
  • You can add as many trivia points as you'd like, too.



  • Username1: Use this section to simulate a conversation between characters
  • Username2: Make sure to use the Username and RealName text alongside the color code to indicate the character speaking
  • Username3: You can change their username colors, too, of course
  • Username4: By the way, this section is meant to simulate the Kamuinet!
  • Username5: write more dialogue here





These sections are self-explanatory. Just write in the character's relations and some info about them. This section is meant to mimic the in-game dialogue text.


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Sweet cotton candy topping dessert chupa chups tart icing gummi bears. Tart jujubes cotton candy soufflé jelly jelly tiramisu cotton candy topping. Gummies powder caramels jelly-o jujubes pie. Marshmallow marzipan icing. Wafer tart pudding caramels. Donut ice cream bonbon cupcake pudding. Tootsie roll macaroon chocolate cake. Icing halvah carrot cake cheesecake bear claw wafer. Marshmallow icing jelly-o marzipan toffee. Candy chocolate biscuit gummies powder. Caramels powder jelly marshmallow. Bonbon jelly-o tart sweet roll sugar plum danish soufflé candy canes.




Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet powder cupcake pudding. Dessert chupa chups caramels. Cupcake chocolate cake cookie marshmallow gummies. Brownie ice cream biscuit muffin bonbon biscuit. Carrot cake jelly dessert. Soufflé powder gummies caramels toffee candy canes muffin. Tart sesame snaps fruitcake dragée cupcake dessert cupcake. Pie jelly-o ice cream tiramisu jelly candy. Chocolate dragée pudding croissant pastry. Candy canes carrot cake wafer tiramisu danish chocolate bar pie pie brownie. Danish bonbon lemon drops. Cupcake halvah candy canes. Liquorice liquorice cake muffin topping.



OWNER: Owner DESIGNER: Designer
AGE: age GENDER: gender
HEIGHT: height WEIGHT: weight
BUILD: body type SKIN TONE: skin color/descriptors
LIKES: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 DISLIKES: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Important Design Notes

  • Write some important notes about your OC's design for artists here.
  • Stuff like "Usually seen carrying a convenience store bag"
  • "His eyes glow in the dark"
  • and "is ambidextrous" are good examples of what to include here.



Song Title

Artist Name

Song Title

Artist Name

Song Title

Artist Name

Song Title

Artist Name

Song Title

Artist Name