
3 years, 4 months ago


Lucy __  - 19 - She/Her - Bi

Lucy is a member of the elite octoling squadron, the Familia. She generally helps rescue cephalopods who have been kidnapped by Kamabo Co, and helps rehabilitate any exposed to sanitization. Despite her young age, she's one of the head members of the squad, often calling her fellow members by "little brother/sister/sibling" along side the family theme of the squad, because of her higher ranking. It can get on peoples nerves, but she means the best. She truly sees her squadron as family, and wants to do everything she can to protect them, especially after losing one of her brothers recently. She's searching for him where she can, and is trying not to fear the worst.
She lost her right eye a few years back, and while she struggles with loss of depth perception, she still strives and trains to be a defensive fighter for her squad and all those they protect. She also has some hearing issues.
Lucy's gun is a little strange looking, but it never leaves her side as her trusty tranquilizer. Each bullet contains a powerful dose of tranquilizing solution, that is useful for closer combat scenarios. It also looks cool.
She wants to be a good example and be taken seriously, even though she doesn't feel intimidating. She tries to keep a cool head, but finds it hard to hide her true emotions. She prefers to wear her X-marked octoling mask, it makes it easier to hide how she feels. It also looks cool.

When Lucy was younger, the octarian dome she lived in was subjected to one of Kamabo Co's experimental weapons, a powerful sonic weapon that left all inside struggling to stand, let alone fight off invading sanitized soldiers to capture the citizens. Lucy was able to make her way out of the dome and out of the influence of said sonic weapon, with the help of some really nice headphones and the efforts of the Familia squad doing everything they could to rescue those inside. Once she got outside of the dome, she was attacked by a sanitized soldier, resulting in the loss of her right eye. Mama, the Fam squad's Captain, saved her, and Lucy has since promised to help the Fam with their efforts to prevent something like this from ever happening again.

Likes: Comics, soothing music, melon soda, her family.
Dislikes: White noise/static, being looked down on, overly sweet things.

Bonus: Some of Lucy's design, like the revolver and the 3 prong scar across her eye, were semi inspired by another OC of mine, Sweetheart. Nothing past the design, but I just thought it was fun. Lucy is a fan of the S-H comics she can find.