
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info










MYO Kamitsune for this group over on DeviantArt -
Ear Type: Common
Eye Type: Common
Tail Type: Common (3)
Elemental Type: Earth
Elemental Spell Slots Available: 3
Phylacteries Available: 3 small OR 1 Medium

Name: Itsuki
Age: 62
Height: 5'6"
Sexuality: Pansexual
Likes: Spring, rain, fruit, gardening, seeing people happy, hats (he has so many hats. All the hats. He makes them himself)
Dislikes: The sound of crying, Cranky and demanding people, People messing with him/others and thinking it's funny, theives, cheese
Occupation: Works as a tailor in both the human and spirit worlds

Preffered emotion(s): Happiness, saddness, and love

 Shape shift II: Full human (eyes and teeth are normal as that of a human)
Growth - after spreading seeds from his pouch/pocket on the ground, Itsuki can use this spell to make the plant grow to full size and even flower out of season (for a short period of time). Can also be used to create a defensive wall during a fight with the right seeds. Is also normally used before using bind spell.
Bind - Using plants around him (normally ones made with growth) Itsuki can tangle pursuers up with various plants.

Phylacteries - 1 Medium
Leather wrapped green glass bottle that is attatched to his belt in Kamitsune form, and in his bag in Human form (which isnt pictured, but can be found on the pinterest board below)

Personality: Kind but Naive, Itsuki is willing to help anyone he finds in need. Though his Naivety pertains more to the human world, where it has gotten him into a bit of trouble before, since he has spent most of his days in the Spirit world. He is slowly learning the human ways, but still questions many of their decisions. He has made himself Highly organised, since he's also quite forgetful. Both in home and work places he has schedules, post-it notes, labeled cabinets and the like everywhere. If he finds out you've messed with his system, He wont take it lightly. He also tends to jump to counclusions rather quickly, assuming someones stollen/messed with something before realising it was more likely him. He tends to make friends easily, mostly without trying or looking for them. Its just how he is.

Human Form: Normaly takes on the form of a 20-something japanese man, mainly because of his name. Though he has been known to change it up from time to time.

Relationships: TBD

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