


7 years, 4 months ago


Name: Xenos

Aliases: Nexos (formerly), Wrath

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Fallen Angel 

Sexual Orienation: Heterosexual 

Relationship Status: Taken

Personality: Xenos is a quiet individual who prefers to be left alone. He often has an intimidating air about him that demands respect from those around him. Though he is the personification of Wrath itself, don't let it fool you. He has learned to control his temper very well and is very hard to anger. That being said, it's unwise to push him over the edge as he can go into a fit of rage that can turn deadly. Being as old as he is, Xenos is very wise and has gone through many hardships that leave him appreciating life for what's worth. Being the 'leader' of the Sins, Xenos doesn't like commanding his siblings unless he feels it is required. He much prefers to allow them to do as they please so long as they don't break the rules set for them. 

Likes: He enjoys lounging outside either under a tree or in tall grass no matter the time of day or night. Unaware to many of his siblings, he enjoys playing the violin and will often go to the human world and play for the humans at random in parks or town squares. Music is one of the few things created from humans that he likes. 

Dislikes: He has a great dislike for humans as a whole though there are exceptions to this. Angles he has also come to hate with his whole heart despite being among their ranks once himself. 

Occupation: Being one of the Seven Deadly Sins, he is also given the title of Prince of Hell, along with his siblings. He is the strongest of the Sins and commands the largest unit of Hell's army. Xenos is also known to have trained the oldest Gate Keeper of Hell, Artimis.