Basic Info

Full Name

Regina Alexina




Height (Merform)

7’ 6”


194 lbs.

Body Type

Mix of toned with a few curves

Breast size



Enhanced senses (except eyes), fast reflexes, fast swimmer, extremely proficient with staffs/spears and martial arts, able to shift into a human form

Sexual Orientation


Personality Strengths

Perceptive and cunning, witty, honorable

Personality Weaknesses

Overly protective, a tad impatient, sometimes sarcastic


The Princess, chocolate, training, music (particularly rock or Ophelia’s work)


Storms, nets, harming the Princess,


Meet the captain of the Royal Guard and Princess Serena’s personal bodyguard. Regina may appear ill-suited for this position, being born with a tail that some argue isn’t cut for fast swimming and also having blindness, but making that assumption often ends up being a bad choice.

Regina is cunning and with the reflexes like lightning and strength of 2 people in one, anyone that would dare challenge her or threaten the Princess frequently find themselves caught in her bo-staff and grip. Some wonder if she is even supernatural with her abilities, especially when Regina teases that she know a few special tricks.

Few know her story on how she rose to her position, but her devotion to the Princess lead some to suspect Regina of having a background in relation to Serena.

(More to be added later)