azure's Comments

i could look @ character trades but money will always be my first priority !

I never got a message back so I thought I'd comment again,,,, Anything from here interest you?

i apologise ! i replied to ur last comment btu idk if u saw ,, i rlly like !! idk if u would accept that but its fine if not <3 i can also search again if u dont accept

I'd only accept if you were to add on the $200 ;; Yeah I never got a notification D: I'm sorry!

can i offer? and what are u looking for? (usd, points, chars, ect) is there a price range u could possibly give?

$50 or character trades! id be picky though since i wasnt really looking to get rid of her anytime soon <:3

i can try and get 50$ sometime this week !! would that be okay?

sure! let me know when ^_^

ahh would u accept 50$ in points?? i cant transfer it to paypal money atm ):

sure! can you send it to my other account through the widget? its reficui !

were you still interested or...?

4 Replies