
3 years, 3 months ago


Basic Info

  • Name Sasha
  • Breed Rough Collie
  • Species Canine
  • Age 27
  • D.O.B. July 19th
  • Gender Female (she/her)
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Status Dating
  • Playlist
  • Fashion Pinterest Board

Character Stats

Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Patient Restless
Serious Emotional


  • Red Wine
  • Christmas
  • Western Fashion
  • Rainy Days


  • Summer
  • Confrontation
  • Sweating
  • Meaningless Conversation

Design Details

  • Height 5'4
  • Build Short, Curvy and Busty
  • Eyes Blue
  • Facial Markings Freckles, White Tipped Ears
  • Distinct Markings 3 Patches on Left Shoulder
  • Ears Always Tipped
  • Colors Maroon & White
  • Reference Sheet Current Ref Sheet



"Sassy, Classy, Boujee, Ranchy"

Story Summary

Sasha was born and raised in the great state of Texas and has spent the vast majority of her life there. She grew up in a relatively small town, and frequently helped out on her family's ranch while dabbling in the rodeo industry during her free time. As she got older she decided to venture out of East Texas and made her way up to Dallas/Fort Worth to see what the big city had to offer her. Since moving to the area she has fully embraced the night life of Dallas and the western culture of Fort Worth. During an event in Fort Worth she was complimented on her sense of fashion whcih eventually led to her picking up a career as a model for the western fashion industry. The modeling industry has taken her all over the state of Texas, Oklahoma and even out to Vegas during the NFR season. Although Sasha loves the travel, and the attention that comes from modeling, she still misses her simpler life back home from time-to-time, and takes as many trips as she can back home. Even though she spends a lot of her time modeling Sasha still finds time to see her friends when she's in the area or to the hockey rink to support Pillz during his games.


Sasha is a very down-to-earth, southern girl who is unapologetically honest. Her Texas roots run deep and she is incredibly proud of where she is from. She tends to be very outspoken and opinionated on topics that she is passionate about, and once she's riled up over something it can take quite a while for her to get back down to a level head. She has a bad habit of holding grudges, and once you get on her bad side it's incredibly difficult to gain her trust again. She is never one to compromise her values or ideals, but she knows when to be respectful of other's point of view even if they clash heavily with her own. She is typically hot headed and quick to witty remarks when it comes to things she cares about in life. Because she travels and meets new people constantly she holds the few, close friends she has in high regards and is a fierce defender of her family. Sasha is typically regarded as "the life of the party" because she thrives on social interactions. She is bold, confident and very sassy which frequently comes off as flirty to anyone she talks to. She thrives off of other people's attention and loves being the center of any conversation.

Sasha is VERY independent which has caused her to struggle with friendships, and relationships, in the past. She can sometimes come across as prideful in situations due to the constant pressure she puts on herself to be self sufficent. She never wants to rely on someone else for help, and has a hard time accepting things when she does need help. Despite her tough exterior she is easily hurt by the words and actions of others, and takes things that people say about her to heart. She tries her best to please everyone around her, but frequently ends up emotionally drained trying to be everything to everyone. She always puts 100% effort into anything she does whether that's in regards to her career, friendships or relationships and it's one of her most admirable qualities according to others.

Trivia & Notes

  • Sasha's design is 100% based off of my actual features and personality. Everything from her body type and height to her eye color and freckles mimic what I look like in real life.
  • Sasha's 3 patches on her left shoulder are to symbolize the 3 childhood dogs I had growing up. The "speckles" on her legs are also a nod to the markings on one of those dogs.
  • Her main colors, as well as eye color, aren't a coincidence. They are also intended to represent the fact that I am from Texas!
  • Sasha is a ROUGH COLLIE! Please do not label her as a Border Collie, Sheltie or an Australian Shepherd as there is a huge difference between all of those breeds!
  • Hogwarts House: Gryffindor




[ Best Friend ]

Cino is Sasha's closest girl friend as she typically doesn't have very many due to the drama that usually follows with large groups of females. Cino is one of the few people Sasha can spend time with that actually helps her to wind down and she confides in her more than anyone else. She often views Cino as her little sister and is incredibly protective of her and their friendship. The pair frequently go out for coffee dates when Sasha is in town, and love to binge watch rom coms on rainy days.



[ Friend ]

Sasha and Pillz are pratically inseperable as far as friendships go. They have been friends for several years now and have seen each other through some of the worst, and best, parts of their lives. Sasha is frequently seen at Pillz's hockey games and, athough they have never been an official couple, you can ocassionially see the two together out for a drink or at a local club which has led many to believe they were/are an item. Despite the rumors the pair have an inseperable bond and Sasha frequently turns to Pillz for support and advice on life. Both of them are very protective of each other and love to give one another a hard time.



[ Boyfriend ]

Sasha and Cole have only recently started seeing each other, but that hasn't stopped the major sparks that fly between the two. Sasha and Cole are both extremely flirty with each other and enjoy keeping things fun and unexpected in their relationship. Together the pair make quite the attractive couple, as many envious people remark how good the two look on each other's arm. Sasha highly enjoys Cole's company and the two of them can frequently be seen out on the town at nice dinners or events. Sasha always looks forward to spending time with Cole and often stays up late at night just talking with him on the phone.