


3 years, 4 months ago






Name  Iris
Codename(s)  Larry
Age   ageless
Birthday  who knows
Gender  none(he/they/it)
Race  Angel
Orientation   Unlabelled 
Occupation  Human Activities Investigator 


Iris is an angel who has been sent down to the human world to mostly blend in among them under the name Larry Angelo. He was demoted from his original job as a Seraphim in training. His transformation had started but was stopped due to his demotion. He was demoted due to his pride and vanity and most of all, becoming aware of his sense of self. To negate the risk of him becoming fallen, they sent him to Earth to gain some sense of purpose and humility. 


  • - he pretti


Early Days

He came into being and was assigned to Seraphim training. He excelled in his studies and was said to have the most beautiful voice amongst all of the other trainees. As his transformation began, his feathers grew in colorful and while his development was fast and beautiful, it became worrying to the trainer Seraphim. He started to stand out from his class, drawing too much attention. 


Upon realizing that he was becoming increasingly more unique, the trainer Seraphim held an intervention to try to get him to conform more, hold himself back. He tried but came to help pleading that he shouldn't have to underperform to conform. His sense of self caused him to lose sight of the group's greater good. The fact that he though of himself as a self and not as a part of a hole caused the trainers to fear him falling. They decided to assign him to Earth.

Earth Era

Iris was assigned the human name, Larry Angelo. A young adult living in the American South. He was to go to a small college 


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