Scarfox—Nova's Comments

Hi!! Can I ask what you're looking for ? :)

Only fox swaps and maybe griffolk

Would this fox interest you?
I can also add in anyone here ! Only off limits is amethyst
If no one interests you no worries!

I didn't see anyone that Interested me, sorry! 

no worries!

:O What a cute fella!
Would any (or more) of my characters interest you? ^^

You have a very pretty style, but I didn’t see any characters that caught my eye 

No worries, thank you for looking!

Hi there! May i ask if you'd be interested in any characters in my th? 

I didn't see anyone, sorry

May I ask what are you looking for tho? Because a lot of popular CS is really hard to get hence I'm trying a bit harder for this one, I hope you don't mind me pressing on 

I don’t mind at all, my favorite species/the ones I’m most likely to accept are Griffolk, also seeking Scarfox Swaps, or possibly designs from my fav artists like Kitkaloid, Mawbit, or Kel-Del

Edit: also fine with 3-way trades

Ahh I see, what's a 3 way trade though? Unfortunately you saw I don't have a lot of popular designer stuff so I'm outta luck hah, who knows maybe in the future if this beb is still up and I got what you want. Good luck tho! 

A 3 way trade is when 3 different people are involved in 1 trade:

Person A gets something from Person B

Person B gets something from Person C 

Person C gets something from Person A

So if someone else likes what you have, you can trade them, then they can trade me, and I trade you!

hope that makes sense 

2 Replies

I can offer other cs?

You can but I’ll be pickier :)

I didn’t see anyone, sorry!


Hello would you consider 3 love vouchers + items from here

Please answer me on Discord (I’m ChinchicoAtsuki)

I'm waiting for my paycheck on Thursday however can I purchase this auto with a solid 50$ i wanna give it to a friend as an early Christmas present.

Unfortunately according to group rules I’m not allowed to sell this guy, but I will look at trades :) 

Hmmm I can do full body shaded colored line art piece of your choosing or I’ve got a few adopts and open characters for grabs

Not seeking art at the moment!

Fair enough have a good day

Hi hi! Would This scarfox interest you? :0

They’re cute, but I don’t fully click with them, so I don’t think I’d trade. But they’re a cute bab thanks for the offer 

No worries! Thank you for looking!^^

Are you possible interested in other CS? Specifically Howltars 

No, unfortunately I’m not into howltars, but thanks for asking 

I would love to offer this scarfox for yours

I will consider and get back to you! :)

Ok dokie 💕 

Hello ! Anything to this folder: , would interest you? :)

I didn’t see anybody

No problem ! are u looking for multi art ? ^^

Not looking to trade for art except as an add-on at the moment 

I dont have a scarfox tho I do have some other closed Species. If you want you can look throug my th. It's best if you use tags It's kindda messy qwq

I didn’t see anybody who struck my fancy although I did have a little bit of trouble navigating 💦 even with tags 

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mostly just seeing what other scarfox are out there before I settle down with this guy :)

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