
Astral of the Stars
Nickame: none (yet)
Age: 25
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: she / they
Birthday: November 8th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: fennec fox
Height: 5'5"
Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
Class: Druid
Subclass: circle of stars
Home: unlucky coast
Closest friends: Zilfiz, Pipper
  • pursuing knowledge
  • helping others
  • reading books
  • stargazing
  • honing skills

Astral is my current D&D character, we just started our new campaign. Fennec fox isn't an actual race so I used tabaxi stats and traits to base Astral's feats off of, which worked excellently. I'm still developing a lot of things about Astral, but so far they have a passion for scholarship and the pursuit of knowledge.

I'll gradually fill this out more as we do more sessions and I get a better feel for their personality, beyond the basics.

  • poachers
  • hurting innocents
  • ignorant people
  • evil humans
  • letting others down