Teiko Marino



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info



Star Sign



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  • AGE 24
  • GENDER Male
  • Species Mist Wolf
  • Birthday Feb 11th
  • ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • Role Sound engineering technician


Teiko, a quick-witted and energetic ex-country boy with a passion for all things music and technology. With years of experience in the industry, he is a master at creating the perfect sound for any event or recording session. His upbeat personality and sharp attention to detail make him a favorite among clients, who appreciate his ability to make the technical side of things seem fun and easy. Whether he's mixing tracks in the studio or setting up equipment for a live show, Teiko's expertise and enthusiasm bring a unique energy to every project he works on. When he's not behind the soundboards, you can find him jamming on his guitar, exploring the latest audio gadgets, or leading a poor team of DND players into a dungeon they will never return from. With his dynamic personality and top-notch skills, Teiko is a true asset to any sound team.


  • Technical knowledge: Being a sound engineer technician requires a strong understanding of audio equipment and technology, which he enjoys mastering and staying up to date on.
  • Collaborative work: Teiko is known for his teamwork and cooperative nature, making him great at working with other sound engineers and musicians to achieve the best results.
  • City Life: The fast-paced lifestyle of the city, as it allows him to constantly be on the move and experience new things.
  • Learning and advancing: The career opportunities and upward mobility that the city offers, allow him to achieve his goals and aspirations.
  • Clubbing: The abundance of entertainment and nightlife options, giving him the opportunity to socialize and have fun.


  • Limited creativity: Being limited by a budget or resources
  • Repetitive tasks: He can quickly become bored or frustrated with repetitive tasks, such as setting up equipment or doing routine maintenance.
  • Cost of living: The higher cost of living in the city, which can be a challenge for someone used to a simpler lifestyle.
  • Constant hustle and bustle: The lack of nature and open spaces, as he sometimes misses the peacefulness and beauty of the countryside and the fast-paced lifestyle can also be overwhelming and exhausting at times.

Layout by carebear | Code by Aurorean


Teiko is a unique and independent individual. He is highly intellectual and analytical, with a strong ability to think outside the box. His creativity and innovative thinking make him stand out in his field.

As a natural problem-solver possibly thanks to the years he spent working closely with his father on the farm, Teiko is always looking for new ways to improve and enhance his work. He is constantly experimenting with new techniques and technologies, pushing the boundaries of traditional sound engineering. He is not afraid to take risks and try new things, which often leads to groundbreaking results.

He has a strong sense of individuality and does not conform to societal norms, much like his mother. He embraces his quirks and eccentricities, which are also reflected in his work. He is not afraid to challenge the status quo and bring a unique perspective to his projects.

While he may seem aloof and detached at times, he is a loyal friend and partner. He values his relationships and will always be there for those he cares about. However, he also needs his alone time to recharge and reflect on his thoughts and ideas. He is a team player but also thoroughly enjoys working independently. He thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment and is not afraid to take on challenging projects. He is highly organized and efficient, ensuring that every detail is executed flawlessly.


  • Vivamus justo justo, molestie quis hendrerit vel, mollis vel neque. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque erat elit, pharetra vel fermentum nec, congue ac elit.
  • Donec quis porta mauris. Morbi consequat mattis nisl, nec posuere ex pellentesque eu. Cras elementum elit a metus tempus dapibus.
  • Vestibulum vulputate lectus vitae purus tincidunt faucibus. Maecenas eu vehicula neque. Integer a tortor et tellus sollicitudin tincidunt.
  • Nullam congue ac enim at vestibulum. Phasellus turpis orci, aliquet eu fermentum et, imperdiet non est. Phasellus ultrices dui risus, quis pulvinar arcu lobortis et. Sed eu sem sed diam semper elementum. Nam quis enim turpis.
  • Pellentesque tempor vehicula lacus id posuere. Aliquam eu vehicula quam. Pellentesque ac ante vitae ipsum sollicitudin convallis.


Growing up

Teiko grew up on his mother's farm, surrounded by vast fields and rolling hills usually covered by snow. He was the only child for the first years of his early life and didn't know who his father was. Around the age of 4, his mother disappeared for some time, returning with a young pup. It was his sister Nova.. after that they both spent most of his childhood helping his mother with their daily chores on the farm. Life was simple but fulfilling, and he enjoyed the peacefulness and quietness of the countryside.

As he got older, Teiko became more and more interested in music. He would spend hours listening to his favorite songs on the radio and trying to replicate the melodies on his guitar. However, living secluded on a mountain with the only sign of life being a small village down towards the base of the mountain, there were not many opportunities for him to pursue his passion for music. But that all changed when he turned 18.

Teiko's mother had always instilled in him the importance of education, and she encouraged him to pursue his dreams. With her support, he moved to the city to study sound engineering at a prestigious university. It was a big change for him, going from the peaceful countryside to the bustling city, but he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

At first, Teiko struggled to adjust to the fast-paced city life. He missed the simplicity of his hometown and often felt out of place in the busy streets. But as he delved deeper into his studies, he discovered his true passion for sound engineering. He was fascinated by the technicalities of music production and the science behind creating the perfect sound. He excelled in his studies and graduated at the top of his class. He immediately landed a job at a top recording studio in the city, working as a sound engineer technician. It was a dream come true for him, and he was grateful for the chance to turn his passion into a career.

As he gained more experience in the field, Teiko quickly became known for his exceptional skills and attention to detail. He worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry and was a crucial part of creating hit songs. But despite his success, he never forgot his roots. He would often take breaks from the city to visit his mother and stepfather on the farm, where he would find peace and inspiration in the simplicity of his upbringing. 

He now lives in his very own upscale apartment on the penthouse level, smack bang in the middle of the city. Close enough to his chosen place of work to walk. Doing freelance work when he feels fit and living a high-end life.






Mother of Teiko

Father of Teiko

Sister of Teiko

Sister of Teiko

Describe relationship here. Nulla suscipit finibus tempor. Aenean ac lacinia ligula. Etiam sed congue nulla, at fermentum enim. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum nec vestibulum massa. Vivamus congue in leo id tempus. In tincidunt orci at tincidunt condimentum. Praesent placerat molestie diam, vitae consequat mi feugiat lacinia. Aliquam sit amet nulla et dui porta interdum. Curabitur a tempor enim. Vestibulum suscipit rutrum viverra.

Uncle of Teiko