


3 years, 4 months ago



Name Aurelius Julliard Cartier
Pronouns He / Him
Age 34
Birthdate December, 12th
Height 6'2" / 188 cm.
Weight 187 lbs. / 85 kg.
License No. #008282
Level 3
Species Thievul
Typing Dark
Profession Archivist / Private Collector


  • Nash's Montana Ironhorn wines
  • The scornful glance of someone who knows he is right, but doesn't want to admit it
  • Humid evenings
  • Old jornals of people long gone


  • When words are scribbled over instead of struck through once
  • People who try to lord over him
  • Being intrurrupted when he feels it is his time to talk
  • Getting ink stains on his already naturally stained hands

Stats and Inventory

HP/CON 81 {+0}
SP.ATK/CHA 121 {+2}
ATK/STR 61 {-1}
SP.DEF/INT 121 {+2}
DEF/WIS 61 {-1}
SPD/DEX 110 {+1}

Ability | Unburden

Boosts the Speed stat if the Pokémon’s held item is used or lost.

Dark | Snarl

The user yells as if it’s ranting about something, which lowers the Sp. Atk stats of opposing Pokémon.

Dark | Nasty Plot

The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk stat.

Dark | Foul Play

The user turns the target’s power against it. The higher the target’s Attack stat, the greater the damage it deals.

Fire | Burning Jealousy

The user attacks with energy from jealousy. This leaves all opposing Pokémon that have had their stats boosted during the turn with a burn.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.


Aurelius is the local charmer, and could sell a pair of shoes to a frog. Notably charismatic, he weilds this power to leverage himself higher and keep poised well above the commonfolk, being allowed a glimpse into his daily life would be painted as a privilege. He does his best to avoid being outwardly distasteful, but the backhanded complements are poured out faster than he finnishes a bottle of wine. If one finds themselves invited into his little circle, they best wonder what it is that he finds about them worth coveting.


Charismatic | Esthetic | Loyal

Aurelius by every means of the word is a charmer, being told from a young age that how people percieve you is more important than how you percieve yourself has molded a talented silvertongue. It is often that he can find beauty in some of the more obscure places, lending to his career in archiving documents to reclaim the history of those who have passed away. Loyalty from him is indefinite once he feels secure, making him a reliable ally should you manage to break past his walls.

Competitive | Intense

When a challenge is issued, Aurelius cannot help but wager and fight for his own pride. Competitiveness has won him many things, but lost him significantly more in his youth. A sore loser, he remarks indignantly at his failure but will gloat mercilessly should he win. His emotions run hot when he gets worked up, or dragged down and there is little one can do to dampen the ocassionally suffocating effect. When he loves something, he really loves- and when he hates, it burns.

Crafty | Posessive | Resentful

There is little that he wouldn't say to meet his goals. Not uncomfortable with deception or manipulation to get there, or to have his emotional needs met, Aurelius struggles daily with the complex his parents carved deep into the back of his mind. When he feels attachment to something, or someone, he wants it and more time thn not, he doesn't wish to share what little he fears he may have. There oft' will be a time where he feels slighted, specifically with the treatment he received from his family growing up, where he wishes he could disconnect-- But more often than not, the habits he thought he dropped resurface to haunt him.


Born into a wealthy family, he was last born to a family of eight- five siblings, himself and his parents. Being the baby of the family came with it’s perks. He was the youngster that was doted over in his youth, coddled and cared for when he could still hardly walk. He was a boisterous child, playful and inquisitive, but his parents were not particularly involved with him on a personal level. There were many days he spent waiting outside of his parent’s closed office doors for them to come out, many of those times would end in a servant coming by to take him off to the garden to play, or off to the library for tutoring. With his mother and father being so busy, it made seeing them feel very special. But, having so many siblings, vying for their attention made life rather difficult- especially when so many emotional needs were involved.

It was as he aged that the rose tinted lenses of youth began to fade into a flat grey. Competitiveness was seemingly built into the family hierarchy and only became more prevalent as he entered adolescence. He remembers vividly the long night where this fact of life became acutely clear. Being stood up in a line with his siblings when they received their reports back from the family tutor and the look of disappointment and revulsion as he stood last, having been the only child to fail his test. At first, their ire turned to the tutor, who explained the difficulties getting to that point to begin with, then the gazes turned back to Aurelius. The child of only 12 felt as though he wished to shrink out from beneath the stare of so many, but he swore and pleaded that he’d have done better if he was just given more time.

Jaded with his treatment, the young fox truly was not the best at testing, nor the most dedicated to studying. But, it was evidently clear that to his parents, what the paper said was important, not what he said himself. He valued what his parents thought of him more than he probably should have, and that fear of being devalued by others stretched far into his adult life.

As his parents aged and he reached adulthood, his father’s will was written. In what he could only described as a backhand to the face was received as the family fortune was broken up according to the family hierarchy. His mother and siblings received vast swaths of money, property and goods while he was given a petty lump of cash. He was kidding himself when he hoped that maybe he’d have been able to catch up to his siblings in his father’s favor- but the door hit him hard on the way out.

Over the years he had withdrawn from his mother and siblings, who had all but gone off to start their own lives. He ventured off on his own, bitter, and with enough money to squander away and invest carefully. If there was one thing he learned from competing with his siblings, it was that if he brandished his failures in such a way, it couldn’t be made into ammunition against him by others. He knew he was a failure in the eyes of his family, but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying to impress the rest of the world. Someone out there would be worse off than him, right? Before he knew it, his small investments in shops had grown, and being able to turn profits on old artifacts he had been able to talk down the price of to upsell or even keep for his own collection had helped work him into a secure place.

Marilos is his last stop before maybe finding elsewhere to cast and settle his roots- There’s nothing quite like a developing region to explore and try to find the last needed parts of his collection- or a new crowd to try and dazzle and be loved by.



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