⭐ Opalite's Comments

Hey! Can I get a hold on them for the $50?

Any of the babs on my page interest u

I'd like to adopt this bb if they really are up for free they'd fit in my circus story world I'm working on. It's still a huge wip but it's basically like a circus town for various different characters who are different from the norm. :3

Ayo, I just wanted to say that Opalite's colors are awesome! I love that delicate yet bright purple on hair mostly ♥ Truly stunning coloring.

I'd probably use them for animation memes, a story maybe? But they are AMAZING! I love the palette so much! ^^ I think it would be cool if they got a nice and slight redesign with a fullish ref! :000 I'm tempted to make them a Fur. Head 😭💖 

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Thank you so much for the opportunity!! This character is absolutely gorgeous! I adore their palette so much as well as the colours chosen for the accessories. If I got them, I would love to draw them and spoil them with art! 💕


Name; EastCoast

Pronouns: he/she/they

Sexuality; asexual 

Personality: East is a outgoing person and he’s very childish. they prefer to be hanging out with friends while enjoying food and fun! He likes stickers and plushies but he prefers plushies

Why do I want him: I love his design a and would use him often as a sona or comfort kiddo!

Oh lawd, they are so pretty!!!

Name: Opalite

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual (prefers male)
Personality: Opalite is fairly a straightforward dude, not holding any secrets (unless specifically asked). He doesn't like those who lie and has a disdain for small children of which tend to tug on his tail.

Why I would love to adopt him: I really like his design and think he deserves a loving owner who won't let him rot in a corner. He mainly reeled me in because of his striking eyes and a faint resemblance to a character I really like!
I can also offer some art ^^

oooo they would be a great oc to be friends with my character Ash.

Name: Opalite (ofc lol)

age: 17

pronouns: (he/they)

sexuality: sexual/gay

siblings: 3 or 4 (if ash is included)

occupation: streamer

he has been a fun and bright (insert species) since he was young. he met Ash when they were in 2nd grade and became great friends. his dad had left when he was in 3rd grade and since his mom got remarried many years later. due to ash's nagging and inspiration from his favorite creators, he became a streamer. since he started streaming he has started to develop really bad anxiety and have become very swayed by his viewer's words. his viewers do put a lot of stress on him, but ash is always there to help him. zir being there to help Opalite doesn't completely get rid of his stress, but it certainly does help. 

currently him and Ash are still best friends and he is still making content. his step dad is really nice to him and treats him well. he does attend therapy and it has been quite helpful. 


I need!!!

My reasons are as follows, 

My birthstone is a opal! They would become a special oc to me as they'd be a character that i can sympathize with and use as a comfort oc!

I've been kind of struggling recently... 

I have anxiety disorder, and depression  and recently panic attacks which hasn't been doing me well. I've been feeling really out of it recently, i recently got into some problems with an adult who interacted with me ( a minor) it a gross way.. And she has really left an impact on my life.. this was all online, and regardless of the issue not being as severe anymore.. She still refers to me as "her sister" even though i am uncomfortable with her talking to me anymore, especially in this manner

on the contrary, i have a friend who has been contemplating su*cide, shes  also talked about some gruesome things that she's wanting to do to her family and friends, so i've been really worried about her, and scared that she might do something she'll regret. On instagram she has been posting about her mental state, and how she imagines herself jumping off a building, and how she has to stay away from any windows. She has explained to me that she sees demons, and creatures of evil, in which they tell her to do awful things, these occur in her dreams too as then she has visuals of the things she wants to do..

im really scared and disturbed.

I don't want to stop talking to her out of fear she'll do something to herself, and me leaving being the main factor of her disappearance. I don't think i could live with myself knowing i could have helped prevent that..

Why i bring these experiences up is to show that im not lying, and give you some in depth details on my situation.. How this applies to Opalite is that, their colors speak to me in a comfort way, never in my life have i ever had an oc bring me this wave of comfort.. 

I'd literally die without them.. 

I like their angelic factor, they ( to me) resemble peace through conflict. They look like they have seen horrible things but yet, come out of them with grace and amity

to me they resemble that no matter the consequences, no matter the pain that will come, there is a time for everything to come to an end. 

Even with death sprouts life. 

I have never seen such a pretty and well balanced oc that has EVER sprouted this much comfort within me, every time i look at them my mind is at ease..

They wouldn't have any sort of backstory, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't matter to me, in fact quite the opposite, They'd be an oc i can use at me times of panic attacks or anxiety. 

Or when my depression gets the best of me..

They'd become my comfort sona, and i'll most likely make them a plushie so i can hold them when im having an episode, regardless of what the episode is. 

i really do appreciate the chance you're giving us, thank you for considering my inquiry, you're a sweet thing! If requested, feel free to take a peek at my ocs, i am getting rid of most of them because i want to focus on the ones i love the most. 

Opalite however, will NEVER be resold or rehomed!! they will go with me to the grave!

would an offer interest you? i still heavily want them!

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I absolutely love their colors and thing they would be super fun to draw, They would fit well into the story I want to make! I would also get art of them made other than making my own. Over all their vibe just makes be super happy! I would love them to be friends with a could of my characters (The ones I plan to put in the story as well!) 

Edit to make them a bio! 

Name: Opalite 

Gender- Female



 When in a good mood: Optpistic, hard working, happy-go-lucky, approachable, polite. 

When in a bad mood She will get grouchy and gets an attitude. Sometimes she acts all tough and takes it out on other people (Bad temper). She is never physically violent though. 


Likes: Baking, video/tabletop games, Chicken nuggets w/ chocolate milk, her friends, the beach, summer, her job.

Dislikes: When she gets in a bad mood, drama, dark humor, winter.



Opalite works at a small local bakery and has made friends with her coworkers. She hates the drama there but stays for the baking! They don't get much business but when they do it's always an interesting reaction and sometimes one or two familiar faces. She loves wearing her apron and on occasion wears one at home for no specific reason... maybe it's because her job isn't a job to her cause she enjoys what she does. And maybe she's just at home with the smell of bakery. (And of course she cleans her uniform she's not complete slob... I see you empty chip bag in her room) 

does anyone in my th interest you?

Didn't see anyone I'm interested in!
