


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Connie Reeves

Code Name

5161L (SIGIL)






Female (She/Her)




Super Suit






Connie, or “5161L”, is the daughter of the president of a futuristic tech company. From a very young age, she was always fascinated with the idea of superheroes. Using her father’s fortune and connections, she built a suit that would allow her to respond to emergencies. She prefers to help in natural disasters rather than fighting criminals, but her suit is combat ready just in case!

Her father put in a request for her to join Team C when she was 15, and after passing the entry exam, she’s been a member ever since. Granted, her role was limited by her father's insistence in keeping her out of harm's way. It's a point of conflict between the two, as Connie is more than willing to put herself out in the world and her father is constantly trying to keep her out of the spotlight, though he doesn't stand in her way when it comes to helping people. 

She’s not as glamorous due to her preference against fighting, but she’s well-received everywhere she goes. Due to her less violent heroism, she rarely causes any collateral damage- in fact, she often prevents further damage when she arrives on the scene!

Her civilian identity is Connie Reeves. It was hard to keep her identity a secret, and she honestly didn't care to keep it that way. Despite this, she keeps to her friend group and actively shuts down classmates who are only nice to her because of her superhero work or family wealth. 

5161L can be read as “SIGIL”- it was her suit’s project code number!

- Petty - Loyal - Spiteful - Hard Working - 

Suit Abilities
Flight: 5161L can use jet propulsion on the boots and hands to fly up to 100 mph

Ankle Brackets: 5161L has spikes that can attach chains, steel wire, or other heavy-duty rope to lift or restrain anything attached to the rope. They can also be used as ankle blades during a kicking attack.

Sensors: 5161L can see in Infrared, Ultraviolet, and Night Vision, and freely switch between these modes.

Wifi Hotspot: 5161L has wifi built in, and can connect to the Internet.

Internal Database: 5161L has a database of important reference information relating to first aid, crisis response, and even combat.

Enhanced Strength: 5161L is capable of lifting 500 tons assuming no damage has been done to the suit. The more damage the suit sustains, the less it can safely lift or carry.

Defibrillators: 5161L has defibrillators on the palms of the suit.

Tasers: The same electricity that is stored for the defibrillators can instead be channeled through the fingers and released as a painful electroshock attack within reach of 5161L.

Fire: 5161L keeps a small amount of flammable fuel to produce a flame, though the suit cannot project the flame far beyond 5161L’s arm length.

Fire Suppressants: 5161L can suppress large fires using a fire suppressant chemical stored in the suit.

Vital Monitor: 5161L is constantly monitoring the vital signs and internal temperature of the suit’s wearer and can adjust the suit accordingly.

Autopilot: If the suit’s wearer exits the suit or loses consciousness, the suit can activate autopilot. During autopilot, the suit will seek the nearest safe location according to its database, administer any healing protocol, and defend itself against further damage if necessary.