Agnus Dei



3 years, 4 months ago



Name Agnus Dei Mansfield
Called Agnus Dei, Agnus, Aggie
Age 20
Gender Female
Height 5'5"
Zodiac Sagittarius
Race Human
Role Noblewoman
Ethnicity Italian-English
Demeanor Shy, polite, reserved
Alignment Neutral Good


  • Sweet foods
  • Her God
  • Pearls and fine jewelry
  • Gentle touch


  • The Church
  • Her father
  • Accordions
  • Being treated roughly



In the Land of Gods and Monsters, I Was an Angel

Her main appeal comes along with her name- she's well behaved, not as salacious as some of her upper-class peers, and gives the perfect image of a potential Madonna. She's loyal to her mother and to the church, and prefers to keep it that way...until she gets a taste of gentle sin.

Screaming the Name of a Foreigner's God

Believing in the Christian God as well as being in a close relationship with a god who is...not the one true god is... confusing. She hides it well, but under a veil of modesty and devotion she's heavily questioned her faith and her own moral values as she's dipped her toes in the darker sides of human nature.

Went and Ruined All the True Plans, Such a Shame, Such a Sin

She was married off to Cristóbal de Alne quick once her mother became suspicious of her and Mendacious/Sigmund's relationship, nearly going insane in a earth-shaking tirade. Her husband was a spaniard, with a quick tongue and slithering fingers that tore her apart from the inside and out. She bore a child for him, much younger than she was prepared for, but she considered it her form of redemption from engaging in sin with an estranged god.


Agnus' biological father, Nicholas Mansfield, is a cardinal of the English Catholic Church under the rule of Pope Leo X, elected in 1502. He was formerly a Bishop, then Archbishop, stationed in Baths, though he was frequently called on to assist in affairs of the greater institution. On his travels, he took up a long running affair with Lady Crane before he left her with a child, refusing to admit their relationship or marry her. She was immediately shamed by the church and from her family, as well as looked down upon in the court due to being pregnant while unwed. Nicholas' brother was an arhcdeacon, and while disapproving, he allowed Lady Crane to stay in his home for the sake of his niece. As Agnus grew, she was nearly ignored by her uncle and controlled by her mother, who grew into a religious fanatic in a desperate attempt to regain her standing in the eyes of God and her peers. This affected how Agnus was raised, and she grew up very sheltered with rigid expectations.


While postponing her official debut into lower court life, she was heavily pushed to go to church with her mother and attend every service and more. While doing so, she attracted the attention of her church's local Archdeacon, Sigmund, or so she thought that was who he was. Whatever wore his skin began to tempt and flirt with her, causing her to develop a bit of a crush on him. She'd play back with him, but over time, she discovered more and more suspicious things about him. He'd go from romancing her to treating her like any other member of the congregation. As the stakes got higher, she eventually happened upon him in a monstrous state, with an extended jaw full of teeth and eyes nearly mad. She hid from him for a bit, trying to rationalize what he saw, but she inevitably fell back into his hold, willing as a bird.


After her marriage to her Cristóbal, her relationship with Mendacious waxed and waned, from strained jealousy and exhaustion to brilliant fireworks and hushed meetings in back halls. She knows that her husband is suspicious if not knowledgable, but it's her one escape from the tires of her family and public scrutiny from marrying late and hesitance to consumate or bear a child. Regardless of how it fluctuates, she'd much rather keep her secret affair with the God/Priest than lose it- he'd shown to treat her kindly and accept her agency, which is something she is usually refused in her family and marriage.



Mendacious [ Lover ]

Having met him as he inhabited the priest Sigmund's body, having a church official flirt with you isn't something one is used to. However, over time, his charm and her need for affection fell in, and she engaged in a secret relationship with him. While she believes it's based on lust, at least to him, the feeling of being desired and valued is intoxicating.


Cristóbal de Alne [ Husband ]

Married to him at a young age, her relationship with her husband and his family is distant and strained. She tries her best to avoid him at all costs, insisting to sleep on the floor or a sofa if she can avoid the marital bed and outright only acting like she has any affection for him.


Character [ relationship ]

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